Monday, February 24, 2020


“We’ve received reports that Philip Haney, a DHS whistleblower on the Obama administration, has been found dead,” the website Law Enforcement Today reported Saturday afternoon.  “We have not yet received independent confirmation from the Sheriff’s Department, but sources within law enforcement have verified that there’s a death investigation underway.”  Haney served at the Department of Homeland Security for 15 years until he was reportedly pushed out by the Obama administration.

In 2016, Haney published a book, “See Something, Say Nothing,” that outlined the Obama administration’s attempts to block him from investigating Islamic radicalism because his investigations were inherently racist toward the Muslim community.  Conjecture also has it that he was about to spill the beans on Hillary Clinton's State Department activities. 

Richard Grenell, Trump's new Acting Director of Intelligence, has already started cleaning house by firing two top administrators.  Unfortunately, neither Christopher Wray or William Barr have yet seen fit to do the same... clean house.

An anti-Trump couple near Hobart, Indiana tried to run two pro-Trump teenagers off the road with their vehicle and kill them.  A police affidavit says they then threatened the boys, saying, "Don't let me see you downtown."  I keep saying, buy a gun, learn how to use it, get a concealed permit and carry it; America's next civil war has already begun.

Bernie Sanders trounced the competition in the Nevada caucuses.  Let's hope and pray that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor says Judges appointed by Trump are biased toward Republicans.  If that isn't the epitome of the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what is.  Where do these Fascist-Democrat-Socialists get their gall, anyway? 

The Coronavirus is now in South Korea, Italy, Iran... and just down the road from me in northern California. 

"When Colonel Sanders wins the presidency, there will a chicken in every basket." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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