Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Bernie Sanders stands behind Castro's Cuba 100%... brags about how Castro straightened out Cuba's problems.  Is that is what is in store for America if he wins... starving kids and poverty?   He also advocates for almost complete defunding and decimation of the military in order to help pay for his medicare-for-all and other social programs. Nice fellow, that Bernie guy.  He certainly deserves a vote from Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff, don't you think? 
Joe Biden says he's being attacked at every turn by Russian bots trying to destroy him.  Oh my... the nightmares he must be enduring!  Maybe he should stay out of the liquor cabinet?

Nancy Pelosi toured San Francisco' Chinatown the other day.  I wonder if she picked up any crap while she was there?

Republicans should not take for granted that President Trump can beat Bernie at the polls.  I fear the Dems will pull a Hail Mary stunt just before the election, and Schiff is probably busy writing the script at this very moment.

Law enforcement gurus are now saying that the Obama-era "whistleblower" who was found dead by the side of a California road the other day died of a single shot to the chest in a self-inflicted suicide.  Okay... so where's the gun?

Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Butthead was booed and shouted down by protesters during a march with McDonald’s workers who were striking for a $15 minimum wage.  He bolted and ran away.

One can't help but wonder whether the steep decline in the stock market is due to the Coronavirus  or worries that Bernie Sanders is going to be the Democrat nominee. 

"Grand Canyon: the chasm between Democrats and the truth." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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