Friday, February 14, 2020


As you know, there's a move afoot to handcuff the President and prevent him from expeditiously dealing with national security issues.  The resolution was introduced in January by Sens. Tim Kaine of Virginia and Dick Durbin of Illinois following the death of Qassem Soleimani, the leader of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard’s elite Quds Force, in a military drone strike ordered by Trump.  Those behind the legislation insist that the Constitution prohibits the president from going to war without approval of Congress.  

While I do not quibble with the intent of the Constitution, it was written long before the introduction of long-range artillery to the battlefield, let alone long-range intercontinental ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons.  The time from when an enemy decides to start a war with us to the time the first shots reach here has dwindled from weeks or months to mere minutes.   This legislation has our current enemies salivating and is about the dumbest thing to come out of Congress since Nancy Pelosi. 
Judging from the results of the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries, Pocahontas needs to do a dance if she expects to reach the finish line.

A Pennsylvania elementary school called the police after a 6-year-old kindergartner with Down syndrome pointed her finger like a gun and said she was going to shoot her teacher.  Under school policy, the principal began a “threat assessment.”  The school did not pursue disciplinary action but did report the incident to the police department. Thankfully, the SWAT team was not called out.

Tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of North Koreans could be dying of the Coronavirus; that country, which borders China, is adamantly refusing to report.   Last week at this time, there were 20,000+known cases of the disease with 500 known deaths.  This week, its 65,000+ known cases and over 1,300 deaths.

Glad to see Hope Hicks rejoining the White House staff.  

Three Connecticut high  school girls are suing the state's government and athletic association to prohibit biological males from participating in female sports, regardless of their sexual "orientation."  They argue that biological males have a distinct advantage over women in sports activities.  They are 100% correct and the LGBT community can stick it where the sun don't shine.   

Happy Valentine's Day to Maxine Waters.  She's sooo sweet. 

"If women wanted to be appreciated for their brains, they’d go to the library instead of to Bloomingdales." ~ Michael Bloomberg

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