Monday, January 27, 2020


Adam Schiff has been named worst actor of the year by Whine Spectator Magazine.  But, if it makes him feel any better about himself, Robert Louis Stevenson is busy writing  a new book, titled: "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Schiff." 

The guy who has never told the truth about anything suggested that the President had threatened the GOP Senators that they had damned well better vote against impeachment.  The Senators ALL denied the accusation, and Schiff has the audacity to insist he's telling the truth.  He has absolutely no right to any position in any government.  Even snakes shun him.
If you don't agree with Schumer, Pelosi, Nadler and Schiff... you're a dictator. 

Impeach Pompeo.  A NPR reporter, Mary Louise Kelly, says that Pompeo cursed at her during an interview.  How dare he?  (And no... he didn't... and she didn't bother to explain that she broke an agreement she made with him about the interview.) 

Why do you suppose it is that Joe, Hillary and Barack are petrified at the thought of Joe Biden being called to testify under oath?  Gosh!  You don't suspect that Biden is about to commit suicide, do you?

Since Bernie Sanders has been off the campaign trail because his attendance is required at the Senate Impeachment hearings, AOC volunteered to hit the trail and stump for him.  She took the mic and talked on and on and on and... never mentioned Sanders' name once.

Oh my God!  Trump fired Yovanovitch!  He should have fired EVERYONE the day he took over!  In the real world, we have a name for people like her: "Shit disturber."

Seattle auctioned off a firehouse a few years ago as a "unique residential dwelling."  Seattle is now suing the buyer for using a firehouse as a residence.  Never trust a Democrat. 

And, why isn't someone investigating the hell out of Adam Schiff?  

"The liar's punishment is not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else." ~ George Bernard Shaw

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