Friday, January 31, 2020


Now you know he's a RINO.  John Bolton, in refusing to take responsibility for his own actions, has blamed the White House for leaking details about his new book... a book which he wrote and is in the process of publishing.  The details, leaked during Senate impeachment hearings, seem to suggest that President Trump lied about the substance of the Ukraine telephone conversation.  Benedict Arnold is alive and well.

Somebody needs to go to jail for ignoring the White House requirements that classified information be removed from Bolton's book.  
Flailing right along, Joe Biden, under immense fire over his family Ukrainian and similar stunts, got a tad testy this week and actually told a potential voter to go and vote for someone else.  He followed that up by suggesting he'll pick Michelle Obama as his running mate and will appoint Barack to the Supreme Court.

The Republicans keep bragging about how much money they are raising, but they keep sending out Emails saying they are desperate.

I finally figured out why Democrats are always in such a bad mood lately.  A major porn site has been hacked.

Adam Schiff has been nominated for "Man of the Year" by the Liar's Club.

The CDC is reporting that eating bedbugs will not prevent the Coronavirus.

The ultimate "up yours:" Tulsi Gabbard is trying to file a suit for $50 million against Hillary Clinton for defamation of character.  Hillary, her Secret Service detail and her attorneys are flatly refusing to accept service of the required legal documents. 

Hell on earth: There you are, stranded on the cruise ship Costa Smeralda and quarantined along with 7,000 other people because one of them has the highly contagious Coronavirus. 

You can buy T. Boone Pickens old Texas spread for a paltry $220 million.  From the looks of it, I can't tell if it has a garage or not.

“The president is a danger to the United States. He’s tried to rig the next election. He’s abused his power and he must be brought to heel and the country must be saved from his continuing efforts to rig our elections.” ~ Jerry Nadler, while foaming at his mouth during Senate impeachment hearings. 

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