Friday, November 22, 2019


The California Supreme Court has struck down a law that would have required President Trump to disclose his tax returns in order to be on the ballot in that state.  Justices said yesterday the law requiring candidates for president and governor to disclose financial information was unconstitutional.  The President now has to win a legal battle in the nation's Supreme Court to prevent New York State from disclosing Trump's tax returns to House Democrats.  

Pocahontas says she's willing to spend our taxpayer money to tear down the border wall.  She's just so much in love with those rapists, drug traffickers and murderers flowing in from Mexico...

Did I hear someplace that the Democrats had another debate? 

FOX NEWS is controlled by Rupert Murdoch's sons, who are leftists.  That explains their shift to the left and also explains why they will never return to their former greatness.  It's time to switch sources, and I suggest and One America News Network.

The Biden campaign again ended up with egg on its face Wednesday when they sent out an email about  Biden's performance in the Democratic debate several hours before it started. He'll make such a great president... He just suggested that the best way to deal with domestic violence in our society is to "keep punching at it." 

Hunter Biden, on the other hand, has been proven by DNA to be the father of an illegitimate child he steadfastly denied fathering.  Let's see how they spin this.  

A Navy veteran, missing for three years in DeSoto, Texas, has just been found dead in his apartment.  Wouldn't you think that would have been the first place they looked? 


"I was searching for a source of mixed nuts on the Internet the other day and up popped a picture of Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff and AOC." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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