Wednesday, November 13, 2019


Word out of Washington is that DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz is going to issue some criminal referrals in his forthcoming report.   Sources say one of those referrals will be James Comey.  Others likely to be referred for criminal prosecution include Andrew McCabe and Rod Rosenstein.  In the meanwhile, John Durham continues his criminal investigation into the FBI... and more.  
No, I'm not concerned at all about Republicans opting to retire as opposed to running again.  I'd be happy to see every seat in Congress turn over, regardless of policy.  We desperately need to clean house entirely.  '

Bill Clinton says it's too bad he can't legally run for president again. 

Given Schiff's blatant alteration of the actual transcripts of the Ukraine call, how can we have any faith in the veracity of any of the released transcripts of witness depositions?  And now we hear... the whistleblower has been caught red-handed doing something illegal?  The muck just keeps getting thicker and thicker. 

"I unironically embrace the bashing of rural Americans," U.C. Berkeley philosophy instructor Jackson Kernion tweets.  "They, as a group, are bad people who have made bad life decisions...and we should shame people who aren't pro-city."  He's undoubtedly one of those enlightened chaps who enjoys taking an occasional crap on the streets of San Francisco.

Point to ponder: Don't you think the Russians and the Chinese are 100% behind what the "deep state" is trying to do to Trump? 

A homeless man in Los Angeles, presumably a Democrat, pulled a woman out of her car and dumped a bucket of warm diarrhea on her head.    

"The main reason we haven't heard more from the whistleblower is that he has chapped lips." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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