Friday, October 18, 2019


The general consensus is that Nancy Pelosi is refusing to legitimize her "impeachment inquiry" by allowing a floor vote in the House on the issue because, for the fourth time around... she doesn't have the votes.   Perhaps after Cortez takes the Speaker's job they won't have that problem. In any event, the last vote in July failed and, until they have a vote that passes, any subsequent "impeachment inquiry" is illegal, null and void on its face. 

But, details don't seem to bother Nancy. 
Bernie Sanders' political career is now at an end.  He's been endorsed by Cortez, Pressley, Tlaib and Omar.

Now that the Washington Nationals are in the World Series, speculation is that President Schiff will be asked to throw in the first pitch.

Oh, for God's sake, three years after President Trump's election, the former VA Secretary comes forth and whines that the President considered shutting down parts of the VA health system.  Well, #1 he didn't.  #2, the VA health system still sucks badly and should be entirely privatized.   Instead, I suppose, let's throw Trump on an ant pile and cover him with honey.   What loons!

Twitter has announced that no one can retweet President Trump's tweets or they will be barred from tweeting.  Twick or tweet?

Elijah Cummings is dead and they're going to lionize the man who did nothing for Baltimore or his nation. 

The Inspector General's report has been delayed again.  You know... the report we were going to have by mid-August?  The report that's supposed to shock the nation?  Maybe Pelosi and Schiff are blocking it? 

It was Nancy Pelosi who lost her cook at the White House the other day, not President Trump.  Recently released pictures show her standing across the table from the President, wagging and pointing her finger at him while going into an uncontrollable tirade.  She and her cohorts then walked out, went directly to the press and started whining that the President was an uncouth, melted-down trench-mouth.  I suspect Schiff wrote her script.  

"Never let a good tirade go to waste." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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