Monday, October 7, 2019


Senator Amy Klobuchar says she has the "smoking gun" that's going to impeach and remove President Trump from office.   "He is basically going to one leader after another trying to get dirt on his political opponent," she says. "I consider that a violation of our laws. I consider it a violation of the election laws. You've got the smoking gun document, but now you’re getting... reports of another whistleblower that is going to back up what the first whistleblower says." 

Has Adam Schiff finally, after three years of insisting that he had a smoking gun, finally manufactured it and given it to Klobuchar? 
You don't suppose the new witness with firsthand knowledge could be Christine Blasey Ford, do you?

There was a shooting in a Kansas City bar where four Hispanics were killed.  Since it is against the law to carry a loaded weapon into a bar, only the shooters were armed.  That's exactly what is going to happen to us when they take our guns away. 

Elizabeth Holmes is a name you may not recognize.  At the ripe old age of 19, she borrowed some money and started a company.  By the time she was 30, she was a multi-multi billionaire.  Today, at 35, she's penniless and facing charges of fraud and conspiracy... unable to pay her legal fees.  Did Barack Obama build that company? 

I wonder if Pelosi is planning on having a 2:00 AM vote on Articles of Impeachment, somewhat like her infamous ObamaCare vote of days gone by? 

It's official: Hunter, the guy who got tossed out of the Navy for his coke habits and who made millions in illicit funds in the Ukraine for himself and his father... is going to join his dad on the campaign trail.  Stick that in your pipe and snort it.  

Word is that Elizabeth Warren fired her national organizing director because... he was caught wearing a MAGA cap.  

I understand that Mitt Romney has someone shave him every morning because he's afraid to look at himself in the mirror...

Who would have ever guessed that Adam Schiff writes fictional screenplays as a hobby? 

"You’ve got a president that's acting like a global gangster." ~ Amy Klobuchar

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