Friday, October 4, 2019


Tired of hearing the truth, Kamalala is demanding that Twitter suspend President Trump's account.  If other Americans want to hear the truth, that's their right.  Likewise, intelligent beings who don't want to hear the truth don't have to follow President Trump's Twitter account if they don't want to.  But, Kamalalala wants to seize the authority to decide for you.

Joe Biden is desperately trying to get that picture of him, along with son Hunter and the Ukrainians on the golf course... scrubbed from the Internet and media.

Do House Democrats intend to subpoena the White House shoeshine boy for documents and information about the Ukraine telephone call?

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, I hear Pocahontas wants to tax horses on Indian reservation lands because they emit methane gas.

Bernie Sanders is sporting new stents.  He's going to take a few days off and relax in one of his ostentatious mansions that he says Americans have no right to own.

Adam Schiff, who appears to have more ties with the Ukranians than either Biden or Clinton, helped the "whistleblower" write the "complaint" about President Trump's phone call, and Schiff is now peeing in his pants because he's been caught red-handed. He's even trotted out Nancy Pelosi to speak on his behalf. 

Pelosi, upon being questioned about how the House can proceed with an "impeachment inquiry" without a vote on the House floor to do so, bore her heart on her sleeve when she basically retorted that when the Democrats control the House, they can make whatever rules they want and, should the Republicans not like it, that's just too damned bad.  I suspect the Republicans will shuffle off into their offices and forget about it.  

Following my post on Wednesday, prominent conservative media sources are now investigating Adam Schiff's own extensive and mischievous ties to Ukraine.  

"According to Merriam-Webster, Fascism is a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.  We are almost there." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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