Wednesday, April 3, 2019


With all of the new guns laws being enacted around the country in recent years, I would like to know of one... one... that has resulted in saving lives or that has deterred gun crimes.  Frankly, these gun laws have not done a damned thing to reduce gun crimes, simply because they are directed at screwing the honest, law-abiding citizen out of his/her gun rights as opposed to actually stopping gun crimes.

Pocahontas' Campaign Fundraising Director has quit because he was having trouble raising enough wampum. 

Nobody is mentioning how the abolishing of the Electoral College will result in permanently establishing socialism as our form of government.

The Dems are having a problem with Joe Biden's history of fondling women; I guess they're afraid that, given his age, he'll be going after Justice Ginsberg next... 

Jerry Nadler is demanding and will subpoena a full and unredacted copy of Mueller's report.  Sorry Jerry, but that's illegal.  There's classified information and there's Grand Jury information which you cannot have.  Besides, if you had that information, you'd probably just use it to blackmail your political enemies or leak it to the press. 

Does it do your heart good to know that we, the taxpayers, paid for Ilhan Omar's family to relocate here from Somalia? 

There's a big story brewing about the Chinese, spies, espionage, Mar-a-Lago and the President.  I don't think Ilhan Omar is involved in this one. 

"For an old spy and codebreaker like myself, nothing in the world happens by coincidence." ~ Malcolm Nance

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