Friday, April 19, 2019


Liberal activist film maker Michael Moore says Nancy Pelosi is a has-been and her time is over.  "White people. Nobody likes giving up power. And they never see the writing on the wall. The new day arrives and no one has the heart to tell them they and their old tired privileged ways are over."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez awaits in the wings. 

Swalwell wants to mandate jail sentences for those who refuse to turn in their "assault" weapons.  Why doesn't he push for a mandatory additional jail term for those who use any gun in the commission of a crime?  The only logical answer is that he doesn't want to top crime; it's your guns that he wants.

Speaking of AOC... she says actress Felicity Huffman should get a much stiffer sentence than the 4 to 10 months in jail being proposed for Huffman's guilty plea in the college admissions scandal.  After all, Huffman is rich; maybe Cortez would be happier with a sentence of 25 years at hard labor?  On the other hand, were Huffman poor, 4 to 10 hours would undoubtedly be way too much.

Further on AOC, she says that after reading the Mueller report, she now favors impeachment of Trump.  I think it is obvious that she still has not learned how to read.

Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel says House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff, D-Calif., should resign.  He can't.  He has to be deeply indebted to George Soros. 

"Something about the tangled webs we weave when at first we practice to deceive." ~ The Unknown Scribbler


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