Wednesday, April 17, 2019


Bill Weld, a former Massachusetts governor, has officially announced his presidential bid to challenge President Donald Trump for the Republican nomination. "I really think if we have six more years of the same stuff we've had out of the White House the last two years, that would be a political tragedy and I would fear for the Republic, so I would be ashamed of myself if I didn't raise my hand and run."  

Obviously, he wants the country to go back to the "establishment" dictated system that got this country into the mess it's been in.  What rocks do these creatures live under, anyway? 
As Notre Dame's famed golden alter cross remains standing after the devastating fire, so it may be that the power of God shall continue to exist long after our "civilization" finally crumbles.  

Bernie Sanders says he made his money writing a book and he is entitled to keep his money without any apology for hoarding it.  On the other hand, he wants you to fork over your money and apologize for having accumulated it in the first place.   A vote for him is a vote for the poorhouse. 

I'll really be upset if the country goes for "universal healthcare," or the single-payer health system.  I don't want the god damned government making my healthcare choices for me... period.  The whole idea is a direct violation of my Constitutional rights to freedom of choice. is accused of allowing tens of thousands of fake reviews and five-star product ratings to infest its system.  Beware: that fantastic toothpaste may actually taste like poop. 

Global warming advocates are all excited and cheering the prospect that thawing permafrost may unleash anthrax spores and other frozen bacteria capable of causing worldwide plagues, thereby killing off humanity and proving their theories.  

Scientists predict that the human brain may be able to be connected to the Internet within a few years.  I can't wait until AOC's brain signs on...  

"American judges are supposed to interpret the meanings and intentions of our Constitution and laws and to apply them to cases brought before them in reaching just and equitable legal decisions.  Just what gives them the power to insert their own agendas and prejudices into the equation?  Who allowed them to declare themselves as being high potentates?" ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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