Friday, February 8, 2019


Not to be outdone by California Governor Newsom's proposed tax on drinking water, New Jersey is working on a rainwater tax.  They say rainwater on your driveway or parking lot runs into city drainage and sewer systems, so you should be taxed on it.  Undoubtedly, they also have a law that says you also must have so many paved parking spaces per so many square feet of building space. 


It turns out that delightful Elizabeth Warren has been claiming she's a Native American Indian for decades on various papers and applications... obviously in a blatant attempt to gain some extra consideration in her endeavors.  Do Democrats ever tell the truth?

James Comey came right out and said the other said that it will be a cold day in hell before anyone ever prosecutes Hillary Clinton over her Emails or anything else.  The sad fact is that he might be correct.  We already know that nobody is ever going to be held accountable for the Benghazi Massacre...

Virginia's embattled Lt. Governor held a closed door meeting earlier this week to discuss the sexual assault charges against him.  His response to the allegations, according to NBC News: "Fuck that bitch."  My golly... those Dems sure get verbose when they're caught, don't they?

That bastion of liberal news, the New York Times, quietly changed the story on Virginia's Attorney General from his wearing blackface to... wearing "dark makeup."  Watch this laundry story, folks: they're on the spin cycle!

While President Trump called for an end to drug cartels and human smuggling, Kamala Harris shook her head.  We now know where she really stands.

Another empty-headed liberal, this one from India, has stepped forth to sue his parents for having him born without his permission.   He needs to move to Virginia and join the Democrat Party. 

A huge hole, almost the size of Manhattan, is growing under the ice in the Antarctic and has scientists concerned that melting may cause the oceans to rise and bury San Francisco, Los Angeles and other liberal cities under water.  My suggestion is to fill the hole with Democrats, who are as cold-hearted as they come, which in turn would ensure that the hole refreezes. 

"There is no news media.  There's simply a bunch of people on television and in newspapers who are ranking members of the Democrat Party." ~ Rush Limbaugh

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