Friday, February 1, 2019


The Democrats have made it abundantly clear: they want your guns, your Bibles, your money, your safe havens, your speech and your minds.  Let me be clear: they have positioned themselves just like every fascist regime in the world has positioned itself before it overthrew the government of a country.  Read your world history; I'm absolutely correct.

The fabric of society you were raised under, the mores you learned along the way... all of that is being systematically destroyed.  You might think you are free, but you are not.  You can't say what you think, you can't wear what you want, you have no right to defend yourselves, and you have no right to elect who you want to be your leaders.  Those choices are not yours to have anymore.  

So, the "Angel Mom's" went to see Kamala Harris and she told them to get the hell out before she called the cops?  Ah yes... Kamala for President. 

If drug prices get any higher, pills will have to be delivered by armored trucks. 

When you look at how the FBI went about arresting Roger Stone, you have to ask yourself if Mueller and Weinstein once worked for the Gestapo.  Maybe they studied how to be prosecutors under Adolf Eichmann? 

Baltimore will not allow law enforcement officers to carry guns onto a school campus.  Effective immediately, if there is a gunman on campus shooting at faculty and students, they will have to fend for themselves.  Why?  Because cops arrest more blacks than whites.   

11,000 illegal aliens were registered to vote in Pennsylvania.  The state's Democrat Governor Tom Wolf prevented that information from being released to the public until after the midterm elections, according to a Washington Times report.   It should be readily apparent to everyone just who is guilty of trying to fix elections in this country.  

"Those who fail to heed the alarms of evil are destined to be overcome by it." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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