Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Flying almost totally under all radar during the election frenzy, a report by Senator Grassley's office has virtually exonerated Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of all charges brought out during the Senate confirmation process; his committee is referring all of those witnesses to the Justice Department for criminal investigation.  As it turns out, Christine Blasey Ford turns out to have been much less of a shy recluse during her high school and college years than she alleges; in fact, she appears to have been quite the social butterfly. 

Now, after years of silence, NASA is claiming that a mysterious disc-shaped object which crashed in Utah 14 years ago was actually a Genesis sample return capsule, part of a human-made robot Genesis spaceship launched in 2001 by NASA itself to study the Sun.  If that's all it was, why did it take 14 years to say so?

MSNBC was caught setting up their camera crews outside polling places... taking up all available  handicapped parking spaces with their equipment and refusing to move.  

Just what does the NFL stand for, anyway?

While top dogs in the Democrat Party refuse to distance themselves from radical Louis Farrakhan, he's been off in Iran leading chants of "Death to America" and "Death to Israel!"  That is what the Democrats have become?

Democrat Party offices in several states sent out flyers to party members essentially saying that although how you vote is confidential, whether or not you do vote is public record and members had better get out and vote or they were going to be on the shit list. 

"Since we're still hearing about what happened on Election Day 2016, I wonder how many years we're going to hear about this one... the blames, the 'what ifs,' the name callings and the denials?  It is amazing to me how we have turned a cherished American liberty into an ugly pile of crap." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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