Wednesday, November 21, 2018


An Obama-appointed Federal Judge in San Francisco ruled that the government cannot tell an immigrant where he has to go along our borders in order to claim asylum, whether he/she is illegal or not.  Nor can we deny an illegal immigrant asylum, whether he abides by our laws or not.  The Judge also issued a temporary injunction preventing us from requiring illegals from seeking asylum only in Tijuana or Brownsville. 

The ruling also seems to require that, should an illegal decide to hot foot it out into the desert miles from Tucson, we are obligated to have someone there at that point along the border to take him in when he claims asylum.  So, get ready to be inundated and infiltrated by thousands of illegals now at the border, whether you like it or not. 


I am so sick and tired of all of the nasty acrimony in Washington, and with the damned press and media...  I think I've become somewhat desensitized to it all.  I can't say that our government has failed us, but the people in it surely have.  I no longer want to hear any of their bullshit.  As far as I'm concerned, the Democrats, Republicans, press and media should all be locked up together in a prison someplace; nobody gets out until they agree to start working together for Americans.

The White House correspondent's dinner will have no comedian this year, after last year's nasty performance by Michelle Wolfe.  And I would have bet my last dollar that they'd choose Kathy Griffin this year...

Invite a Democrat to Thanksgiving dinner.  Everyone should have a turkey around... and they come pre-stuffed. 

I don't get it; if the Mexicans didn't want all of those illegals in their country, why did they let them in in the first place?

Those idiot Democrats who have the sheer audacity to challenge Pelosi for Speaker of the House are likely to be severely marginalized and ostracized after she wins.  She's already managed to dig up dirt on challenger Marcia Fudge and you know Nancy... if she can't find dirt on someone, she'll manufacture it. 

The White House Press Corps has decided it will honor the new White House rules of conduct when, and if, it wants to; and if President Trump doesn't like it, he can suck hind tit.  They're really the epitome of dignity and decorum, aren't they?

"How come nobody eats turkey fingers?" ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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