Friday, November 17, 2017


Congress has a top secret slush fund of $15 million or so used to buy off women who  bring sexual misconduct charges against Members.  These are the same guys who want to hang Judge Moore out to dry.  And Members of Congress are now accusing each other of sexual harassment.  I find it sooo hard to believe, don't you?  I don't understand why they want an ethics probe;  they have no ethics to investigate! 

They treated Jeff Sessions with kid gloves in Congress the other day.  Like the rest of establishment members who have testified before Congress, he wasn't asked any questions of substance and he didn't recollect much anyway.  He has to go, and I don't mean to the restroom.

Joe Biden says the AR-15 used to bring down the Texas church shooter should be banned.  Yeah, Joe, go ahead and run for president and see what happens.

Judge Roy Moore is absolutely right on one point: Mitch McConnell has failed conservatives miserably and must be replaced.  Just as a side question, I wonder how many times Mitch has dallied with a young dish in his day?  What gets me is the number of women now coming forward claiming they were sexually harassed or mistreated 40 years ago; to me, it defies all logic that not one of them... not one... spoke up at the time... and none of their relatives or friends did, either. 

The US Army says it wants to take in recruits with histories of "depression, self-mutilation, bipolar disorder, drug & alcohol abuse." Hell, everybody in Congress is going to end up in the Army!  

McCain says he does not believe in America First.  Maybe he believes in Viet Nam first? 

Papa Johns has just made their pizza taste like bad custard over their NFL waffling.  I'm a veteran; I don't need their damned pizza.  

Anthony Weiner says he wants pen pals while he's in prison.  Get the picture?  

TODAY'S QUOTE: "One good way to prevent aging is to die early." ~ The Unknown Scribbler 

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