Hillary certainly hasn't faded into oblivion as most of Americans would prefer she do. Instead, she's back to her old tricks, especially regarding the Uranium One scandal, where she sold 20% of the country's uranium stockpile to the Russians and garnered over $145 million in contributions to the Clinton Foundation in the process. She says the whole thing is a political game by Donald Trump, designed to distract the nation from Trump-Russian collusion allegations. Yip... it's all part of that old right-wing conspiracy that just simply won't go away. Damned Republicans anyway... aren't they just such the nuisance?
And, just as a side note, a year after the fact she says she wants an "independent commission" to investigate and determine how it was that she lost the election. Hillary, it's simple: you and Barack didn't buy off enough of the right people in the right places. By the way... what happened to all, of that money in the Clinton Foundation?
Grab your 12 gauge shotguns and head for the porch; Joe Biden has all but announced he's going to run in 2020. That'll most surely burn Hillary's caboose...
Leon Panetta claims the Trump team met 30 times with the Russians. No mention of how many times he, Bill, Hillary and the Clinton team met with the Russians. Come on, Leon... what's the real skinny here?
Oh, and Leon also says Bill more than paid the price for the Monica Lewinsky thing. Or was it HIS thing? So anyway, it's only fair that Roy Moore be disqualified... according to Leon. As for Al Franken, he says he's not going to resign. Like Bill, he's a Democrat and he doesn't have to.
TODAY'S QUOTE: "I shouldn't make fun of the blacks: President Obama is a personal friend of mine. He was over to my house yesterday, but the mop broke." ~ Don Rickles
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