Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Okay, Hillary... You have become the 1,300 pound (no insult intended) buffalo in the room.  You've made it abundantly clear that you don't give a damned about America by going to Beijing and talking treasonous talk, soliciting the aid and comfort of our adversary by saying that we have no right to get tough on them or on Korea.  Enough is enough: either shut the hell up or get out of our country.  Hillary, if you feel that strongly about it... why don't you stay in China; we all know how much you loved and admired Chairman Mao anyway.  Hmmm... Buffalo in a China closet? 

The Chicken Littles of the world keep running around hollering that North Korea could take out our electrical grid at any moment.  Well, that would have some benefits: for one thing, it would silence the left-wing, mainstream media. Trump wouldn't be able to Twitter.  CNN would fold its "fake news" tent.  We wouldn't be able to recharge our cellphones; robocalls would stop.  And we wouldn't have to be confronted with Pelosi's Grand-Canyon-sized mouth every time we look at the tube.  

So, China sends an envoy to North Korea to settle them down, and Kim responds by firing off another missile.  I guess the Chinese can't tell North Korea how to act?  Could it actually be that Kim Jong-un is now the de facto authority over China?  That's an interesting do-si-do, isn't it?  I mean... talk about the tail wagging the dog! 

I don't know why anyone should be upset because Schumer and Pelosi refused to attend a meeting at the White House.  They did the whole country one great big favor.  Someone should send them each an ice cone.  

An Argentinian woman has been arrested after she allegedly cut off her boyfriend’s penis with scissors.  I wonder if they were pinking shears?  I also wonder if she is any relation to Lorena Bobbitt.  Anyway, I presume that ended their snippy relationship.  

"If you don't have integrity, you have nothing.  You can't buy it.  You can have all the money in the world, but if you are not a moral and ethical person, you really have nothing."  ~ Henry Kravis 

Monday, November 27, 2017


Mike Hughes, no relation to Howard, planned to launch a steam-powered rocket into space over the weekend to prove that the Earth is actually flat and that anyone who says otherwise is nuttier than a fruitcake.  He claims to have built the steam-powered rocket out of scrap metal parts in his garage. The project cost around $20,000, including the purchase of a motor home off Craigslist that was converted into a ramp.  “I don’t believe in science,” Hughes said. “I know about aerodynamics and fluid dynamics and how things move through the air, about the certain size of rocket nozzles, and thrust. But that’s not science, that’s just a formula. There’s no difference between science and science fiction.”

Rumor has it that he also believes global warming is real and that it is caused by too much methane gas emanating from humans drinking too many lattes.  From the sounds of everything, he must be a full-fledged left-wing, establishment Democrat, and yes... he's from California.

Senator Chuck Schumer says he's against adding a gas tax to fund the national infrastructure.   Why, I ask.  California just piled on a huge gas tax increase; why shouldn't the feds?  I mean, even with the cost of healthcare, federal and state income taxes, licenses and other fees, we still manage to keep three cents out of every dollar we make; why shouldn't they seize that, too?  Who needs money for condoms anyway?

Have you noticed that 100% of those seeking to have Judge Roy Moore quit the Alabama senatorial race are Trump haters?

The NFL is moving toward keeping teams off the field until the American flag has been raised and the National Anthem has been played.  Now, if that doesn't totally lay bare their anti-American bias, what does?   I don't know about you, but I'd just as soon see them throw all of their cleats into garbage cans and let all of the air out of all of their balls... play on words intended.

Lois Lerner wants a Federal Judge to rule that testimony she gave under oath regarding the IRS targeting of Tea Party organizations must be sealed... forever.  Maybe they can just throw it into the vault with the documents on the Kennedy assassination?  

So, Michigan Representative John Conyers is now on the hot seat for inappropriate behavior.   His latest accuser claims he held meetings while wearing nothing but his skivvies, brown streaks and all.  Let me guess: It's not only his mind that's small?

Archaeologists in Israel have uncovered a stunning 1,500-year-old Christian mosaic that was once the floor of a church or monastery.  Scientists attempting to decipher a Greek saying inscribed thereon says it mentions something about the Russians colluding with Abraham Trumpf. 

Capping the Thanksgiving indigestion off with this:  A fellow in Frankfurt Germany parked his car, a VW of course,  in a parking garage some 20 years ago and forgot where he parked it.  Well, workers were getting ready to demolish an old industrial building a few days ago when they discovered the car.  Now, that's not the amazing part of this story.  During those 20 years, no one ripped off the tires or hubcaps, no one broke into it and stole the radio and no one had sex on its hood. 

"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."  ~ P.J. O'Rourke

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


I think back about where we were last year at this time, all optimistic and looking forward to the many great things that would be coming our way under the Trump Presidency. 

Well, so much for healthcare reform.  The wall is in jeopardy and the Republican Senate is doing everything it possibly can to scuttle Trump's new tax plan.  Hillary is still moping around saying she got cheated out of the presidency, the Department of Justice, the FBI and the Department of State continue to stonewall and get away with it, and the Democrats have successfully prevented anything from getting done in Washington.  In fact, the only thing of substance coming out of this great new government is Neil Gorsuch.  And the stench that Trump refers to as "The Swamp" stinks worse by the day.  

I think we Americans are really getting the bird this Thanksgiving.  

It's evident that Colin Kaepernickle is still in charge of the NFL, even though he doesn't work there anymore.  

Kim Jong-un hasn't budged an inch in the last year.   As a matter of fact, the fat midget is closer than we think to being able to send nuke to Pahrump, Nevada... and that's really scary. 

No man in his right mind wants to be within 100 yards of a woman these days.  

Nobody is talking about the number of U.S. sailors who have died or are seriously ill from radiation poisoning as a result of the Fukushima nuclear explosion six years ago.  Why is that? 

What's going on with the Clinton Foundation these days and where's all the money?  

Now that I've managed to ruffle your feathers, have a Happy Thanksgiving.  See you next week.

TODAY'S QUOTE: "My cooking is so bad my kids thought Thanksgiving was to commemorate Pearl Harbor." ~ Phyllis Diller

Monday, November 20, 2017


Hillary certainly hasn't faded into oblivion as most of Americans would prefer she do.  Instead, she's back to her old tricks, especially regarding the Uranium One scandal, where she sold 20% of the country's uranium stockpile to the Russians and garnered over $145 million in contributions to the Clinton Foundation in the process.  She says the whole thing is a political game by Donald Trump, designed to distract the nation from Trump-Russian collusion allegations.  Yip... it's all part of that old right-wing conspiracy that just simply won't go away.  Damned Republicans anyway... aren't they just such the nuisance?

And, just as a side note, a year after the fact she says she wants an "independent commission" to investigate and determine how it was that she lost the election.  Hillary, it's simple: you and Barack didn't buy off enough of the right people in the right places.  By the way... what happened to all, of that money in the Clinton Foundation?

Grab your 12 gauge shotguns and head for the porch; Joe Biden has all but announced he's going to run in 2020.  That'll most surely burn Hillary's caboose...

Leon Panetta claims the Trump team met 30 times with the Russians.  No mention of how many times he, Bill, Hillary and the Clinton team met with the Russians.  Come on, Leon... what's the real skinny here?   

Oh, and Leon also says Bill more than paid the price for the Monica Lewinsky thing.  Or was it HIS thing?  So anyway, it's only fair that Roy Moore be disqualified... according to Leon.   As for Al Franken,  he says he's not going to resign.  Like Bill, he's a Democrat and he doesn't have to. 

TODAY'S QUOTE: "I shouldn't make fun of the blacks: President Obama is a personal friend of mine.  He was over to my house yesterday, but the mop broke." ~ Don Rickles

Friday, November 17, 2017


Congress has a top secret slush fund of $15 million or so used to buy off women who  bring sexual misconduct charges against Members.  These are the same guys who want to hang Judge Moore out to dry.  And Members of Congress are now accusing each other of sexual harassment.  I find it sooo hard to believe, don't you?  I don't understand why they want an ethics probe;  they have no ethics to investigate! 

They treated Jeff Sessions with kid gloves in Congress the other day.  Like the rest of establishment members who have testified before Congress, he wasn't asked any questions of substance and he didn't recollect much anyway.  He has to go, and I don't mean to the restroom.

Joe Biden says the AR-15 used to bring down the Texas church shooter should be banned.  Yeah, Joe, go ahead and run for president and see what happens.

Judge Roy Moore is absolutely right on one point: Mitch McConnell has failed conservatives miserably and must be replaced.  Just as a side question, I wonder how many times Mitch has dallied with a young dish in his day?  What gets me is the number of women now coming forward claiming they were sexually harassed or mistreated 40 years ago; to me, it defies all logic that not one of them... not one... spoke up at the time... and none of their relatives or friends did, either. 

The US Army says it wants to take in recruits with histories of "depression, self-mutilation, bipolar disorder, drug & alcohol abuse." Hell, everybody in Congress is going to end up in the Army!  

McCain says he does not believe in America First.  Maybe he believes in Viet Nam first? 

Papa Johns has just made their pizza taste like bad custard over their NFL waffling.  I'm a veteran; I don't need their damned pizza.  

Anthony Weiner says he wants pen pals while he's in prison.  Get the picture?  

TODAY'S QUOTE: "One good way to prevent aging is to die early." ~ The Unknown Scribbler 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


Thanks to Harvey Weinstein and the liberal cavalry, we now know that the nation is full of molesters and rapists.  The problem is that the liberals have not yet decided which is worse... rapists or racists.  All a woman has to say these days is,"I think..." and the Republican establishment, the Democrats, the main-stream media and Gloria Allred all go rabid.  In Judge Roy Moore's case, all of the above are so anxious to derail Trump's Presidency that they're more than willing to throw due process out the window. 

While the allegations against Moore may be true, who's going to prove it?  We're 40 years down the road; there's no evidence.  By failing to bring charges, the "victims" became complicit in the events years ago.  This whole scenario is nothing but a well-organized political "hit" job, and I'm sick and tired of everybody who is participating in it.  You're disgusting... all of you.  The man is entitled to his day in court before he is found guilty. 

Why hasn't the mainstream media reported on attendance at NFL games over the Veteran's Day weekend? 

Another thing not getting reported is that the Texas church shooter was shot three times... none of the bullets came from cops. 

It appears that the liberal establishment is now going after Sean Hannity.  They intend to destroy FOX NEWS one way or another. 

An emergency alert system that would have notified northern California residents that a fire was headed their way, was delayed by the Obama Administration.  Literally hundreds of residents were never notified to be ready to evacuate. 

I think the odds of Sessions actually naming a special council over the Clinton matters is about the same as the odds of the Republicans getting behind their President. 

Rand Paul is back to work in the Senate, but he is unlikely to take any ribbing.  

TODAY'S QUOTE: "If God doesn't destroy Hollywood Boulevard, he owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology." ~ Jay Leno

Monday, November 13, 2017


Whatever happened to the idea of a flat tax?  What about getting rid of loopholes and having tax simplification?  It seems to me that things now in the works are even more complex than what they are today.  Yes, we're having changes, but to what?  We should have learned by the Obama-Pelosi healthcare example that we should be careful what we wish for; we just might get it.  The new tax plans are just like the new health care plans were: a whole lot of bullshit and nothing of substance. Maybe we shouldn't worry about it anyway; every day that goes by convinces me more and more that there's going to be no new tax plan in this Congress. 

Speaking of healthcare, I don't qualify for ObamaCare.  I'm on Medicare and just got the bill for my new supplement.  It's going up to $825 per quarter, (and that's just for me) ... 165% of what it was four years ago.  There's nobody anywhere in Washington talking about relief for middle Americans on fixed incomes.  I don't know about you, but everyone in Congress needs a good, strong enema. 

Yeah, I really agree that Bowe Bergdahl should receive $300,000 in back pay, don't you?  I mean, if you're going to insult the military and patriotic Americans by letting him off the hook,  why not just rub some serious salt in our wounds and pay him?

Then there's this Judge Roy Moore thing... some 40 years after the fact, during which the accuser(s) have kept silent, and now that he's about to become elected as a U.S. Senator, they come forward and claim they were sexually molested... all according to that venerable bastion of veracity The Washington Post.  What's worse is that the members of collective Republican "establishment,"  all of which despise Moore because he's not part of that "establishment," are crawling back under the rocks in the sewers from whence they came.  

I see that Little Rock, AR has no interest in bringing in the new "second" headquarters for Amazon along with 50,000 new jobs and $5 billion in construction costs.  While that would certainly jack up real estate values and add to the local economy, I think the residents figure they'll have much more trouble finding a place to park.  

TODAY'S QUOTE: "The short memories of American voters is what keeps our politicians in office." ~Will Rogers

Friday, November 10, 2017


They're now alleging that  the Star Spangled Banner is racist.  I guess everything that's American is racist these days; I checked the labels and it's even time to change underwear. 

MS-13 is running around killing people and causing mayhem.  I think it's time the Democrats confiscated their guns.

A self-driving shuttle has crashed in Las Vegas, where they just launched the project.  Well, the whole idea was a roll of the dice to start with...

A UPS driver was delivering a package to a house in Oregon when he heard a loud plea for help coming from inside.  So, he called the cops.  They showed up, presumably with guns drawn, and discovered that the cries for help were coming from the family's pet parrot.  The owner's name?  You guessed it: Susan Baird

A good chuck of San Francisco is built on very unstable ground.  There's a monster building there called the Millennium Tower which has sunk more than a foot and is still sinking.  Residents are afraid that the project will soon be under water...

Interesting headline of the day... "The Dangers of a Bowel Obstruction."  I'm not kidding; it was on FOXNEWS.COM in the health section.  Okay... I'll quit talking politics.

Well, police just arrested a man at an Indian airport.  At the time of his arrest, he was wearing a condom stuffed with heroin, among another thing.  I wonder if his last name is Weinstein? 

TODAY'S QUOTE: "The word 'racism' is like ketchup.  It can be put on practically anything... and demanding evidence makes you a 'racist.'" ~ Thomas Sowell

Wednesday, November 8, 2017


We always knew the DNC and the Clinton Mob were as corrupt and crooked as you can get.  I could never figure out why someone within some facet of their criminal empires wasn't coming forward to squeal.  Given the fact that she had provided Hillary with debate questions in advance, the last person I expected to pop off at the gums was Donna Brazile.  But, bless her pea pickin' little old heart, she's singing like a canary. 

What you can expect now is that more rats, each trying to save him or herself from political disaster and avoid time in the Federal pokey, will come forward and add their little tales of "oversights, misinterpretations, spins and lies" to the pile while others shuck and duck and point their knobby little fingers of blame at whoever happens to be in the line of fire.  Those bullets of blame are going to be flying in Washington much faster than even an AK-47 can spit them out.  Maybe that's why they're all so high on gun control? 

I see someone has been ribbing Rand Paul.   

A Dallas man was arrested at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue after traveling to Washington to kill all white police.  Why is it that so many nutcases show up at the White House?  Just sayin'...

There was a car crash near Nisku, Alberta.  When cops arrived, they found five naked occupants in the car.  Police think drugs or alcohol may have been a factor.  There's evidently no truth to the rumor that they're all from the Harvey Weinstein family.  

Speaking of nudity in public, there's a new restaurant in Paris for nude dining only.  It's called O'naturel and they're getting a lot of people to hang out there... 

"The world changed.  Hollywood changed.  I think we've lost something and we don't know how to get it back." ~ Roy Rogers 

Monday, November 6, 2017


This Daylight Savings Time is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard of.  We changed time yesterday, now it takes six months to get used to it and then... boom... we change time back. It's no wonder we're always grouchy.   One of the big arguments is that school kids are more vulnerable in the dark; well, why not just change the school hours, then?  Another argument is that you get an "extra hour" to do things in the summertime; there are no "extra hours."  There are only 24 hours in any one day.  One big argument against changing time after time after time is about us old farts.  We're more stubborn and set in our ways and America should respect its elders.  If you want to keep changing your sleep patterns, just reset your own damned clocks and leave the rest of us alone.

Well, this German discovered what he thought was a World War II bomb in his backyard.  After all of these years, it just suddenly appeared?  And it was just laying there, right on top of the ground.  So, he called the cops and they went rushing over to his place with the bomb squad in tow, sirens blaring.  Yeah, it turned out to be an extra-large zucchini.  They have all just qualified themselves to be Members of Congress.

I would guess that the odds of anyone in the Clinton Mob being held accountable for their dirty and illegal deeds are about the same as the odds ObamaCare will ever be repealed or that true tax reform will ever be passed.   I'm also inclined to think we should tar and feather every politician and bureaucrat in Washington and then run them out of the country on a flight back to Mars.

If you caught the Oklahoma - OSU game Saturday you'd certainly have to agree that the NFL isn't worth the time of day or the price of admission.  Who wants to pay that kind of money to watch a bunch of idiots make poison ivy out of themselves? 

Have you noticed that everyone in the country is talking about sexual harassment except Bill Clinton?

Obama and Pelosi played a horrible trick on America with ObamaCare.  But, they taught us a lesson: when the scalawags are all touting how good something is in Washington, it probably is not.  Now, the Ryans the McConnells the the Trumps of Washington are all touting their new tax plan as being the best thing to happen to the country since the Declaration of Independence.   Just sayin'...

"It's daylight savings time, then it isn't.  You spring forward, then you fall back.  It's like the Republicans getting out of bed." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

Friday, November 3, 2017


Colin Kapernick's attorney says Kaepernick is on the verge of signing a contract with an NFL team.  It seems hard to fathom a team willing to take on a player who is suing the NFL alleging collusion by team owners against him.  Given Kaepernick's abhorrent conduct and the NFL's blatant disrespect for American patriotism, I would suggest that they can all rot in hell, but I suspect that even hell wouldn't want them in.  

Why is it that Paul Manafort gets indicted over things that happened as far back as 2002 while Hillary Clinton goes Scott free?  It's obvious that George Soros, through Clinton and the "establishment," now rules everything in the country.  King George III has been reincarnated.  Anybody for a good, old fashioned Boston Tea Party?

The Economist, a left-wing magazine, says the U.S. Armed Forces are not patriotic Americans; the only reason they fight, according to the left, is to help their comrades.  It also says Americans have a hopeless romantic love affair with the military.  Well, they are very lucky they're not in my foxhole and that, my friends, is why I have more than one gun and a big pile of ammo.

News reports suggest that the FBI has been busy trying to determine a motive for the NYC terrorist attack.   Duh?  Anybody knows that terrorism is its own motive.  If they have to ask that question, I think the FBI needs a glass stomach so it can find its way around.

Antifa, MS-13, BLM, Mexican drug cartel, ISIS... The left says don't worry, we're strong, continue on with business as usual, don't be afraid, don't get angry.  I say, bull... The governments, federal state and local, are not going to protect us; they've made that evident.  We need to get angry.  We need to arm ourselves to the teeth and get ready to fight, because that is what it is going to come to if we continue to allow officials to stick their heads in the sand and do nothing about it. 

And how about this great new tax plan?  It looks to me like a lot of dumbo mumbo-jumbo.  Well, you get a larger individual tax deduction, the rates are a tad lower... and the exclusions of current deductions are of enormous affect.  Could our government be foisting a "smoke and mirrors" slight-of-hand on us?  No... no way... not our politicians; they'd just never do that. 

So, Hillary took total control of the DNC in 2015 and stacked the deck to prevent any possibility of Bernie winning the election?  Wouldn't you refer to that as a "rigged election?"   Could it be that Team Trump beat her at her own game?  Maybe that's why she's so pissed off.  

"Politicians spend a great deal of their time shoveling smoke and cow manure." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

Wednesday, November 1, 2017


The governors of California and New York are salivating at the prospect of  screwing citizens by raising state income taxes right after proposed federal income tax reform takes effect.  Never ones to miss an opportunity to get into our pockets, the governors figure you're not entitled to any extra money in your pockets, but they are. 

What I can't figure out is this:  Robert Mueller, the know-it-all, high-priced attorney who was given a mandate to nail Trump to the wall for collusion with Russia, hired 15 equally high-priced, know-it-all attorneys... and all that he can come up with are some obscure charges against Paul Manafort which have nothing to do whatsoever with Trump.  In fact, any two-bit attorney fresh out of law school could have done better.  Gosh, could it be that Mueller and team can't even manufacture a case against Trump?

Here's hoping that by now you've gotten rid of your annual Halloween sugar high...

Lindsey Graham says there will be "holy hell to pay" if President Trump fires Robert Mueller.  Once again, Lindsey makes it clear to the whole country just how sweet and charming he really is... What a guy!

Glamour Magazine has award Maxine Waters its lifetime achievement award.  The rumor is that it was a tossup between her and Kathy Griffin... 

Just as we have another terrorist attack, this time in New York, we have a couple of Federal judges who insist on preventing the Trump Administration from taking steps to limit who is coming into our country and under what circumstances.  How can they sleep at night?  

"Terrorism is a psychological warfare.  Terrorists try to manipulate us and change our behavior by creating fear, uncertainty and division in society." ~ Patrick J. Kennedy