Monday, November 21, 2016


There may have been a statewide attempt to throw the election in North Carolina, where investigators are hot on the trail of a Democrat Party sponsored fraud involving absentee ballots.  A formal protest was filed with the Bladen County Board of Elections to challenge several hundred absentee ballots, alleged to be fraudulent, and has also been filed in in 11 additional counties. 

The difference was about 300,000 votes, Trump over Clinton, so that would not have made any difference.  But, it could have altered the Governor’s and some other races.  Number one… I think we have to require voter identification at the polls, end same-day registration and voting, and tighten up absentee ballot security.  If we can’t trust our elections, we’re doomed. 
Q. If you were president and you were going to have Mitt Romney work for you, what position would he be in?  (Phillip ~ Walnut, CA)
A. Shoe shine boy.   

Q. I understand that Melania Trump and her son will not move to the White House.  Are she and Donald having marital difficulties?  (Lenard ~ Susanville, CA)
A. Good God, how do people reach these conclusions?  Number one, they’re remodeling the Oval Office, so Trump may have to work out of the Executive Office Building for a year.  Number two, their son attends a private school in New York and they don’t wish to disrupt his school year.  Now, this decision does involve some increased security exposure, which is why Donald has also been considering conducting his duties from Trump Tower during the first year, to help reduce the security staff necessary.  They’re still working through the scenarios.  Give them a break, will you? 

Q. Bill O’Reilly gave Megyn Kelly a royal scolding the other night and said that she should not have gone public with her claims that Roger Ailes made unwanted sexual advances on her.  What do you think; doesn’t she have every right to scream and holler if that is actually what happened?  (Tip ~ Klamath Falls, OR)
A. O’Reilly said, and I agree with him, that her proper recourse was to go to the human resources department of Fox News and register her complaint.  To just go public with it blindsides and smacks of disloyalty.  If HR doesn’t resolve the issue, then she goes the legal route.  Otherwise, she has no business putting it on the airwaves or into a book. 

“After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box.” ~ Old Italian Proverb


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