Saturday, September 19, 2015


The United States resettles more migrants than any other country in the world and six times more migrants then all the Latin American nations combined, according to an analysis by Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest.

That’s because we’re basically humanitarians and at the same time, we’re patsies.  I don’t like to put it this way; it sounds crude and rude…. But, it seems like we’re always picking up some other country’s garbage.  America is supposed to be a melting pot, not a dumping ground.    

Q. Do you think Congress will actually defund Planned Parenthood?  (Angelina ~ American Canyon, CA)
A. The House has already voted to do so, but I don’t think the Senate will follow through on it.  It’s all one big dog and pony show, smoke and mirrors, shucking and ducking.  What Obama wants, Obama gets. He's the man! 

Q. There’s some flack going around about an event that occurred when Trump was speaking Thursday.  One guy mentioned that Obama is a Muslim and not even an American, and Trump didn’t correct him.  What do you think?  (Inge ~ Sacramento, CA)
A. I think Trump deftly handled the accusation by not getting mired down in it.  I also know Obama is a Muslim and every day that goes by, he is proving beyond all reasonable doubt and by his actions that he is not an American. 

Q. I know you live near the SETI antenna array in northeastern California.  Do you believe in extraterrestrial beings?  (Monk ~ Lawrence, KS)
A. Of course; where do you think Obama came from?  Anyone who thinks we are the only intelligent beings in the universe needs to study the theories of mathematical probabilities. 

“I know other astronauts share my feelings… and we know the government is sitting on hard evidence of UFO’s.” ~ Col. Gordon Cooper


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