Wednesday, November 15, 2017


Thanks to Harvey Weinstein and the liberal cavalry, we now know that the nation is full of molesters and rapists.  The problem is that the liberals have not yet decided which is worse... rapists or racists.  All a woman has to say these days is,"I think..." and the Republican establishment, the Democrats, the main-stream media and Gloria Allred all go rabid.  In Judge Roy Moore's case, all of the above are so anxious to derail Trump's Presidency that they're more than willing to throw due process out the window. 

While the allegations against Moore may be true, who's going to prove it?  We're 40 years down the road; there's no evidence.  By failing to bring charges, the "victims" became complicit in the events years ago.  This whole scenario is nothing but a well-organized political "hit" job, and I'm sick and tired of everybody who is participating in it.  You're disgusting... all of you.  The man is entitled to his day in court before he is found guilty. 

Why hasn't the mainstream media reported on attendance at NFL games over the Veteran's Day weekend? 

Another thing not getting reported is that the Texas church shooter was shot three times... none of the bullets came from cops. 

It appears that the liberal establishment is now going after Sean Hannity.  They intend to destroy FOX NEWS one way or another. 

An emergency alert system that would have notified northern California residents that a fire was headed their way, was delayed by the Obama Administration.  Literally hundreds of residents were never notified to be ready to evacuate. 

I think the odds of Sessions actually naming a special council over the Clinton matters is about the same as the odds of the Republicans getting behind their President. 

Rand Paul is back to work in the Senate, but he is unlikely to take any ribbing.  

TODAY'S QUOTE: "If God doesn't destroy Hollywood Boulevard, he owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology." ~ Jay Leno

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