Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Biden's "Friends," the Taliban": "Butt Out!

FOX NEWS is reporting that a Taliban spokesman has warned the United States not to interfere with its culture or its treatment of women.  Over the weekend, reports emerged of 1,000 Americans and fleeing Afghans being held hostage in six planes provided by Glenn Beck in the city of Mazar-i-Sharif , unable to leave. Conflicting reports allege that the planes are being barred from departure by... the U.S. State Department. 


People wonder about the CDC. All you need to know is that every government agency has become politicized... every last one of them! Nobody in Washington puts America first anymore!

Biden and his White House Junta are now trying to deflect American's animosity toward the disastrous Afghanistan surrender and exit, by claiming that many of those left behind want to stay there. If you believe that, you'll believe anything they say.  Chief of Staff Ron Klain says they believe there are around 100, but don't know for sure. If that's the case, how can they claim they've been "in touch with all of them?"   

Why are there no pictures or interviews with any of those "120,000" who were evacuated from Kabul?   

Biden is sending his junta emissaries to the Middle East to reassure our allies there that we will always be ready to stand behind them. Empty promises know no bounds.  

A California professor campaigning for Gov. Gavin Newsom reportedly called Republican gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder "a Black face on White supremacy" during an event with the governor yesterday. Democrat fascists are the same throughout the country; when they can win an argument or position based on facts, they resort to name calling and despicable denigrating. Haven't we Americans had enough of this crap? 

Sen. Lindsey Graham, the know-it-all, promise-everything, do-nothing blowhard from South Carolina,  told the BBC it's inevitable U.S. service members will return to Afghanistan someday. "It will be a cauldron for radical Islamic behavior. You cannot deal with this over the horizon."

Every Californian who has been griping about Newsom needs to either express his opinion by voting for Newsom's recall, or sit down and shut up.   

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "The only reason that Biden hasn't already been removed from office is that everybody is scared as hell of Kamala Harris." ~ Nancy Pelosi


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