Friday, September 17, 2021

Afghan Joe Warms Up His Camel

Afghan Joe and his henchmen have their hands full trying to coverup Milley's outright treason while the Kabul tragedy and Afghanistan surrender still smolder in the political dung pile.

In the meanwhile, Afghan Joe has been quick to claim that Newsom's win in the California recall election is a strong signal that Americans want tougher Covid regulations.  PLUS... as a side benefit for the people... now that California Governor Newsom has survived the recall process, the state's Democrats have immediately set out to make it much more difficult to recall a governor. 

Along came that recall election, and then along came Milley and poof! Just like that, the Americans being held as hostages by the Taliban have disappeared from the news.   

Remember how Afghan Joe bragged about taking out one of the Kabul bombers with a drone into his car? It now turns out that the "terrorist bomber" was actually a U.S. aid worker.  

Contrary to what you might have been lead to believe, the government has not admitted to the existence of UFO's. They have admitted to the existence of "unidentified aerial phenomena." They just want to clarify that.  

I'm nowhere near as worried about the Afghans bringing measles to the country as I am about them bringing terrorism to America or, for that matter, about the illegals bringing Covid-19 across the border!  

Afghan Joe and his thugs would have us believe that their $3.5 trillion spending bill actually won't cost them anything! Actually, they're correct! By raising taxes, closing loopholes and hiring 80,000 more IRS agents, they're going to extract the money from our pockets! That's us... the ones who actually work  for a living! 

Don't let their "feel good" talk fool you: When Biden raises the taxes on the rich, those who own businesses across the country, the bill will be passed on to us in the form of higher prices for goods and services. 

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "Anybody who isn't a full-blown socialist by the end of 2022 will be exterminated." ~ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

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