Friday, June 25, 2021

The Supremes Get It Right!

In a major victory for the First Amendment, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 8-1 this week in favor of a high school cheerleader in Pennsylvania who was booted from her squad over a profane social media post she made while not on school grounds. The rant was sent only to friends  but somebody informed the school and they kicked her off the squad. 
The school argued that her posts could disrupt school activities and they therefore had a right to censor what she said, but the Court properly ruled that there was no proof of that and that the school cannot control a person's free speech 24 hours a day, especially when she wasn't even on school grounds.  The second you allow someone to shut down your free speech, that opens the door for them to shut down anything, including your rights to own a gun or practice your religion.     
So Kamalala is going to visit the border! I just knew she would, as she doesn't dare to be upstaged by Trump's visit there, does she? 
Be on the alert for computer viruses! John McAfee has died!
Why is the Biden gang so intent on going after gun violence when they don't give a damn about BLM, Antifa, Anarchist and Marxist rioting, pillaging and burning?

The White House plumbers are going to be busy today. Word has it that Kamalala stopped up her commode when she heard that President Trump was going to go to the border...

Hawaiian Senator Mazie Hirono said Wednesday that the Democratic Party had never taken the position that the police should be defunded. She'd better get her head out of her ass if she thinks we're going to fall for that line of crap! 

Pelosi is really worried about the Arizona audit.  She's forming a special, highly-politicized committee to "investigate" the January 6th Capitol "riots." No mention of investigating BLM or Antifa...

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "I will shut down Trump and every asshole wearing a  MAGA cap, no matter what it takes!" ~ Nancy Pelosi 


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