Monday, December 21, 2020

Newsom Screws California's Resterants AGAIN!

Although there is virtually no evidence of Covid-19 being spread from restaurants, California's Governor Gavin Newsom has stuck it to them again! A judge recently issued an injunction blocking local and state officials from keeping all restaurants in San Diego County closed. The ruling was made in response to a lawsuit filed by two strip clubs earlier in the fall.  “These business establishments provide sustenance to and enliven the spirits of the community, while providing employers and employees with means to put food on the table and secure shelter, clothing, medical care, education and, of course, peace of mind for they and their families,” San Diego Superior Court Judge Joel Wohlfeil reportedly wrote in Wednesday’s ruling. 

Within hours, Newsom pressured a three-judge appeals court to block Wohlfeil's ruling. That having been accomplished, Newsom probably went out to a maskless dinner with the panel of judges.  


Since the Russians have been so successful at hacking national computers, who's to say they didn't hack into Pfisa and Moderna and alter the vaccines? Just sayin'.....

On the same subject, who's to say the Chinese and Russians didn't collaborate on hacking our election? That would mean we have an illegitimate incoming president, not that the Democrats didn't probably have something to do with it. Does that mean we have to accept Biden? Is the Supreme Court really going to allow this to pass without addressing it? 

The State of Georgia, heavily involved in active election fraud, has barred anyone and everyone who voiced concerns about the 2020 presidential election from being a poll watcher or election official in the upcoming Georgia Senatorial farcical election.    

Some maskless folks in Moscow, Idaho, were outdoors singing Christian hymns when they were arrested for participating in an outdoor worship service. 

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT:  "As soon as I get into office, I'm going to start tearing that border wall down!" ~ Joe Biden


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