Monday, December 14, 2020

Anarchists: Isn't It Time We Take The Bull By The Horns?

Thousands upon thousands of peaceful demonstrators arrived in Washington over the weekend to protest the handling of the election and to support President Trump. And once again, anarchists, BLM and Antifa thugs entered the scene with stabbings, beatings and shots fired. 

I think the time has come when, if we're going to protest, (and we should), we should be armed to the teeth and ready to shoot to kill anyone who even thinks about disturbing the peace. If the authorities won't stop this horseshit... we have no choice! 


It's not enough that we've started to tune out FOX NEWS and that their ratings are heading for the cellar! Now's a good time to quit patronizing their advertisers.  

Nancy Pelosi is reportedly sending her lawyers to some New York vote recounts who are aggressively demanding questioned votes be counted in favor of the Democrat candidate.  That's illegal, but she's getting away with it. 

Solvang, a popular 6,000-citizen tourist destination in southern California, has voted unanimously to defy Gavin Newsom's latest shutdown orders.  Most of the town's businesses have their major business income during the weeks leading up to Christmas.  

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "There will be no 250th anniversary of Independence Day in 2026. We will have a new country by then." ~ Barack Hussein Obama

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