Monday, August 24, 2020

Mean, Despicable, Vile Democrats Pick On 7-Year-Old

Two obviously Democrat women, upon spotting a mother and her 7-year-old son who were sporting Trump signs in Milwaukee, attacked the woman, swiped the boy's MAGA hat and started screaming obscenities.  "That’s somebody else’s hat,” the boy reported to the accosting women. Some of their response is bleeped out, suggesting foul language.

“Get your hat back, baby,” the mother says. The boy can be heard crying in the background.  “Look at what you just did to my son!” said the mother. “Get your hat back baby! Get your hat back.”

“I just want…I just want,” the boy says through tears.

“We don’t give a fuck!” one of the accosting women yells back at him. “Your mom fuckin’ likes Trump!”


Just thought I'd mention that I haven't yet seen Mitt Romney or John Bolton on the list of speakers for the Republican National Convention...

Mayor Lori Lighthead, who allows riots, looting and murders to go rampant on the streets of Chicago, issued orders that no protests or crime would be allowed in her neighborhood.  She says she has a right to protect herself, as she puts 100 cops on her block... 

Residents in Portland have been besieged by BLM rioters in the middle of the nights screaming for the residents to wake the "f" up and being told the BLM gangs were going to come and get them.  I'm sorry, Portland residents, but why do you have guns and ammo?      

Not being able to prove their ridiculous claim that President Trump conspired with the Russians to steal the 2016 election from Hillary, the Dems are now claiming that the President is conspiring with the U.S. Post Office to steal the election in 2020.  This country is damned sick and tired of their bullshit.  

House Democrats blocked any further action on a Covid-19 relief bill over the weekend... then turned around and blamed Trump.  

Libs are attacking Melania Trump for being a foreigner, while in the same breath demanding voting rights for illegal aliens.  

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "I think Nancy Pelosi is suffering from manic depression, bi-polar disorder and too much gin." ~ Donald J. Trump


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