Monday, August 17, 2020

Bend Over... Way Over!

Whenever the Dems and the rest of the far left get bound and determined to shove something down our throats that we don't want, you can bet your sweet biopsies that they are up to no good.  They are compulsive about their evil-doing! 

They are now hellbent on requiring mandatory voting by mail through the United States Postal Service.   Their justification is that we just can't risk having people go out to vote with this damned Chinese Virus floating around.  Yet, they have no problem sticking far more hundreds of people than will ever be in a polling place into their 2020 DNC Convention.  So, what is the real reason for their push?  Voter fraud, pure and simple!  There's no way a massive national mail-in vote can be counted and verified on the day of the election, and history will show that far more Democrat voter fraud occurs on the day after an election than during it! 

In the meanwhile, the USPS is warning that it will NOT guarantee that your mandatory mail-in ballot will arrive by the voting deadline.  My, my! 


Keep in mind that, when the enemy can destroy confidence in the voting system, the enemy is just one short step away from seizing total control of the country! 

The reported rift between Obama and Biden emerging over the weekend leads credence to my prediction that Biden will not be on the Democrat ticket very long.  Kamala will get the spot and she'll pick either Elizabeth Warren or Cory Booker to be her running mate.  

The Defense Department is forming a new task force to investigate UFOs that have been observed by US military aircraft, CNN reported Thursday.  They should begin by interrogating Barack Obama and his ties to Mars.  

A group of Seattle rioters is demanding that white residents: "Give up your house! Give black people back their homes!"  If they'd bother to read history, they would know that Native Americans were here long before Blacks.  


Since the Portland District Attorney, Mike Schmidt, is refusing to prosecute rioters, he needs to be charged with dereliction of his sworn constitutional duties to uphold the law and prosecute.  


The Dims have their panties all wadded up because the NYPD Police Union endorsed Trump.   

Cuomo is such an ass!  He's got 1,500 gyms suing him because he won't allow them to open, and he's got bars and restaurants going out of business left and right, so what does he do?  He allows only bowling alleys to open and serve food and booze.  

Over the weekend, China came out and backed the Biden-Harris ticket.  Isn't that just swell?



"President Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize far more than I ever did." ~ Barack Hussein Obama

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