Wednesday, December 18, 2019


During the House impeachment hearings, Nadler and Schiff flatly refused to allow the Republicans to call the witnesses they wanted to testify.  Today, it is likely the House Dems will vote to impeach and send the matter on to the Senate.  Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is adamantly demanding that he be allowed to call whatever witnesses he wants.  As far as I am concerned, he can sit on it.  I'm sick and tired of their silly-assed games. 
Fox News is claiming their recent poll shows more and more Americans want Trump removed from office.  This will be the third poll in the last few weeks that they will have to admit was totally wrong; they've already admitted to the other two "errors."

Former CIA and FBI Director William Webster claims that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is not a “broken institution” and criticizing it threatens the “rule of law.”  I say the FBI is not only broken, but that it doesn't seem to know what the "rule of law" even is.

Arlando Henderson, 29, was arrested by FBI officials in San Diego for allegedly stealing cash out of the bank vault where he used to work 18 different times this year, totaling $88,000. It seems he immediately got on line to brag about his heists.  

Thousands of gallons of beer were dumped down the drain in Utah because a new law allowed those beers to be sold in private stores instead of the State operated liquor stores. The fish appreciate it.  

Utah authorities discovered the body of a man missing for over ten years in his now dead wife's home freezer last week.  That solved a cold case, if you'll pardon the play on words.  

"The Oakland Raiders are anxiously looking forward to their move to Las Vegas so they can kneel in a new state." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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