Wednesday, December 4, 2019


We've been called everything under the sun... from deplorables to racists.  Now, Rob Reiner has labeled us as "white supremacists making a pact with Putin."   The one thing consistent through all of this is that the Democrats really have nothing of substance to say.  Every time they open their mouths, they prove once again that they are cretins without a cause.

They have also abandoned all sense of propriety.  In releasing their scurrilous pile of dung "findings" during President Trump's important visit with NATO, they have proven themselves to be coarse, underhanded, uneducated, self-absorbed and pernicious.   
The woman who actively participated with other FBI agents in a plot to prevent President Trump from winning election and a subsequent plot to remove him from office is now playing the innocent victim card.  Almost two months after President Trump allegedly wronged Lisa Page by mimicking her at a Trump rally, she has come out claiming she has been embarrassed and demeaned by her target.  I think she's been dumb-Strzok.   

The Dems and the libs are pulling out all of the stops trying to separate Trump from Giuliani, who holds many cards in his hand that, when played, are going to expose the real criminals for who they really are.

President Trump needs to quit complaining about the incessant dirty tricks and despicable tactics of the Dems.  This is not a gentleman's fight.  He needs to take off his gloves and fight them bare-knuckled.

My prediction: The day is fast approaching when disgruntled and angry Americans are going to storm the nation's capitol and forcibly throw the miscreants out of their plush offices and onto the streets.

I wonder of Elizabeth Warren plans to wear a buckskin dress and a feather in her hair for her coronation? 

Remember what assholes the Democrats were with their Christmas impeachment bull when you step into the voting booth next November.  Not only have they destroyed the Spirit of Christmas and everything it means to millions and millions of Americans, but they have sullied our democracy with their relentless stench for decades to come. 

"Every Democrat in America should be ashamed... ashamed... of what their party has become." ~ The Unknown Scribbler 

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