Friday, March 15, 2019


Murderers on death row in California have, by law, been afforded several appeals and have been before several judges before they exhaust their legal remedies.  Almost 750 are scheduled for execution because they raped, beat, stabbed and tortured their victims before they killed them; some of those sadistic bastards committed more than one such heinous crime.

We're now faced with a Governor who feels pity and sorrow for them; he's almost apologetic for them.  So, he offers up some lame excuses and overrides the will of the people who recently voted overwhelmingly to speed up the legal process and get on with executions, and he issues a moratorium: No such demon is going to be executed on his watch.

Yet, he has no compunction about allowing for abortions of innocent fetuses.  It doesn't bother him one bit to allow murderers, drug pushers, sex traffickers and gang members into our state across the Mexican border; it's even fine with him to have a "sanctuary state." What kind of a sick, demented monster is he, anyway?  And just when are we going to start standing up to these fascist idiots?  

The San Diego police chief blasted California’s sanctuary city policies Tuesday after a previously deported illegal immigrant with a long rap sheet was arrested for murder in the brutal stabbing of a 59-year-old woman.  But this crime is perfectly okay with Governor Newsom, and if you don't like it, that's just T.S.

Today's good news: A defrocked Catholic priest who abused young boys has been shot and killed in Henderson, Nevada. 

Some top GOP lawmakers have been meeting in secret with VP Mike Pence in an effort to strike a deal that would limit presidential powers to declare a national emergency.  Message to President Trump: when you get into bed with snakes, you're going to get bit; the Republicans have their own, special snake pit.

Tucker Carlson's days at FOX NEWS are numbered.  The liberals are after him and FOX doesn't have a history of standing up for its employees, ala Jeanine Pirro. 

All members of Congress will be going home: Butterball is recalling turkeys. 

Once again I repeat myself: rumors have been flying for 18 months that Mueller's investigation was going to end "any day now."  And I've been saying for over 18 months that the investigation will not end until it's much, much closer to the 2020 election.  If you think for one moment that the Democrats and the establishment engineered this whole thing with the thought of letting it die in a whimper, you've got another thing coming.  

"Stupidity is a talent for misconception." ~ Edgar Allen Poe

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