Friday, December 21, 2018


President Trump did a double reversal Thursday when he found out that Americans were frothing at their mouths over the prospect that he and the Congressional Republicans were going to cave in on the border wall.  He was stuck between a rock and a hard post: if he shut down the government, he might lose the 2020 election; but, if he allowed the border wall to be scuttled, there would be no chance... zero chance... that he'd get reelected in 2020.  

Well, today marks the start of the Christmas holidays.  There's going to be very little, if anything, done in the remainder of this Congressional session.  So, expect some half-baked cram-down answer that we are going to be very angry about... and they will expect that, as usual, we'll get over it before the holidays end. 


Can there be any doubt?  The next two years are probably going to go down as being the worst in our government's history.  The only thing that can jar Members of Congress into acting together responsibly would be a nuclear strike against us and I'm not even sure that could accomplish the job.  

Meanwhile, up here in Burney, drug activity and street crime are running rampant; the sheriff's department, prosecutors and courts don't seem to give a damn.  It won't be much longer before citizens take  matters into their own hands.

"There's absolutely no difference between a boneless chicken and a spineless politician." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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