Monday, July 30, 2018


An Arkansas woman was arrested Saturday after telling police she shot and killed her husband because he bought pornography.  This news could put Stormy Daniels out of work. 

President Trump says he'll shut down the government if he doesn't get his border wall.  The way things are shaping up, that's the only way we'll get rid of Rosenstein, Sessions and Wray...

Facebook and Twitter have become like pornography... they both have no socially redeeming value.

Eric Holder says he'll probably run in 2020.  I wish he'd start running now... maybe he could get to Venezuela before the elections.

If you like straws, don't go to Santa Barbara.  If you use one or hand one out there, you could end up in jail...  That's for real, and you won't be able to suck it up. 

Maxine Waters says that God has sent her to destroy Trump. 

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants to clean out your bank account and sell your house... so she can give the money to her friends.  Oh... that's right; I forgot that she's the new idol of the Democrat Party.

The illustrious New York Times has reported that President Trump is dead-set against breast feeding.  Their report did not mention anything about nuclear weapons in Iran or North Korea, or the price of tea in China.  Furthermore, I suspect that the President is too old for breast feeding, anyway. 

The New York Post has posted a story saying that millennials are quitting damned good jobs so that they can enjoy the rest of their lives.  Of course, they plan to live on handouts from social services and the $1,500 per month that Alexandria wants to guarantee everyone as a minimum income... paid for by you and me.  

"Federal legislation is urgently needed to abolish insanity in the Democrat Party." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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