Wednesday, July 11, 2018


The American Medical Association has abruptly canceled future conventions in San Francisco due to the street crime, filth, homelessness and drugs on The City's streets.  Other organizations holding conventions in San Francisco have voiced similar concerns, namely that attendees no longer feel safe.   Congratulations to Nancy Pelosi; she and her ilk have accomplished what no one else could ever do... turned the beautiful city by the bay into hell on earth.   

Believe it or not, Hillary... who has evidently dodged any accountability at all for her numerous gross misdeeds...  appears to be putting things in place for a 2020 repeat run against Trump.  With the blessings and complicity of the FBI, DOJ, the media and the rest of the Deep State, how could she possibly lose? 

Ignorance is not bliss.  To the Democrats and the left-wing liberals of this country: you need to remove your heads from the sand piles of ignorance long enough to smell the roses.  Why should you blindly trust and believe in what all of your "friends" are telling you?  Don't you owe it to yourselves and your futures to investigate both sides of issues?  How do you know you're correct in your beliefs if you don't know what the truth is?  As Spock would say, "The truth IS out there."  All you have to do is to seek it.

Nancy Pelosi finally told the truth in an interview last Sunday.  “Civilization as we know it today is at risk in this election."  Let's pray that level-headed Americans come out in droves in November and that the illegals stay home.

After decades of providing them, Southwest Airlines is now eliminating free peanuts on its flights, citing possible peanut allergy reactions.  What an outright crock: if you have an allergy to peanuts, you're not going to eat them in the first place.  No, some corporate "peanut counter" decided the company could cut labor and reduce peanut costs and save tons of money.  Now one has to ask:  What do they need flight attendants for?

The mother of Nikolas Cruz, the man charged with killing 17 people at a school in Parkland, Florida, earlier this year, was "an enabler" who allowed her son to buy a gun despite serious concerns from mental health counselors, an official said Tuesday.  The mass shooting suspect had been in contact with at least 140 school and mental health counselors throughout the years.  And that, my friends, is why they want to take MY guns away.  

"Democrats don't relate to middle class people." ~ Chuck Schumer

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