Friday, June 29, 2018


Conservative Republicans are going berserk over Justice Kennedy's planned retirement, postulating that Trump can replace him with a more reliable Constitutionalist who will ensure better Court rulings for years to come.   They seem to forget that they only have a 2-vote majority in the Senate and one of those, John McCain, is sidelined with medical problems.  We both know that every Democrat and both independents will most certainly vote against anyone Trump nominates.  So, at the very best, it'll be 50 to 49 and you need 51 to confirm.

Mike Pence can't vote unless there's a tie.   That means if Jeff Flake, who hates Trump, votes the nominee down, the vote will be 50 to 49 against.  Rand Paul's vote could be iffy, depending on who the nominee is. So, don't get your hopes up.  You might think that Mitch McConnell could get Flake in line, but Flake is not running for reelection, so he doesn't give a damn what anybody thinks or wants, and his contempt for President Trump is well-established. 

North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows made two startling claims in a House hearing on Tuesday, asserting that there is “growing evidence” that FBI officials altered documentation of witness interviews in the Hillary Clinton and Russia probes. He's also suggesting that the FBI deliberately fed the inspector general false information.  Yet, nothing is being done about it.

Have you noticed that the Republican House is just as impotent now as it was when Obama was in office?

I wonder if President Trump plans on nominating Barack Obama to the Supreme Court?

The odds that Maxine Waters will be censured for her enticement of violence comments are about the same as the odds are that the House will impeach Rod Rosenstein for refusing to turn over FBI and DOJ documents.  Good boy Rod flipped off Congress big-time during yesterday's hearings and got away with it. 

The Supreme Court of California upheld a micro-stamping requirement for semiautomatic handguns yesterday, even when the technology does not exist to allow manufacturers to comply. The Associated Press summed up the court’s ruling: “The California Supreme Court says state laws cannot be invalidated on the grounds that complying with them is impossible.”  Please pass me the bottle of gin.  

"Power is not a means; it is an end.  One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship." ~ George Orwell

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