Tuesday, June 28, 2016


NEWSMAX.COM is reporting the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services no longer requires immigrants to pledge their allegiance to the United States when becoming legal citizens… under an Executive Order of… guess who?  The ruling took effect last July and Congress not only did nothing about it, but they also failed to even mention it. 

The requirement was acceptable to the tens of millions of people who migrated here over the years, but not now?  Maybe it would be more acceptable to Obama if they were required to pledge their allegiances to the Muslim Brotherhood?
Q. Representative Charles Rangel has been found guilty of 11 out of 13 counts of violations of House Ethics rules.  Who do you think will take his seat in the House?   (Andrei ~ Rancho Cordova, CA)
A. He’s not going anywhere.  He’s a member of the “establishment,” remember?  They look out after each other, remember?  He might lose his bathroom privileges for a week or be denied a free Congressional haircut in September, but you have to remember that every Member of the House is guilty of something, so how can they in good conscience penalize him? 

Q. The Supreme Court has upheld a ban on gun ownership by people convicted of domestic violence.  Your reaction?  (Gilford ~ Tuscaloosa, AL)
A. Well, I don’t disagree with the sentiment; in fact, such convicts should be hung by their toenails as far as I am concerned.  But… I don’t think it’s going to make one scintilla of difference in the number of domestic violence crimes, including such crimes involving guns.  Once again, the problem is not the guns… it’s the underlying social issues.  They’ll get their hands on guns, use knives or cars or even beat their victims to death with rocks… other forms of violence that are also illegal in this country.   

Q. Is Russia establishing a military base in Nicaragua?  (Tyler ~ Susanville, CA)
A. There are reports that a recent deal gives Nicaragua 50 T-72 Russian tanks in return for the establishment of a top secret Russian spy base in the Central American nation.  While our government has been rather nonchalant about the incursion, saying that every nation has a right to choose its security partners, Nicaragua has simultaneously begun expelling U.S. officials.  This is very reminiscent of the Cuban missile crisis, the major difference being that we certainly don’t have a JFK in the White House.   

“A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.” ~ John F. Kennedy


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