Thursday, June 30, 2016


The WASHINGTON FREE BEACON is reporting: “Iran on Tuesday threatened to restart its contested nuclear program in violation of last summer’s international agreement if the United States and other countries fail to move forward with a massive sanctions relief program aimed at bolstering the Iranian economy, according to comments by a top Iranian leader.” 

In the meanwhile, the American Center for Law and Justice is preparing a legal case against Obama and his thugs for lying to the American people about the Iranian Nuclear “Deal.” 
Q. How do you think Trump would handle things such as terrorism versus how Obama handles it?  (Octavio ~ Chicago, IL)
A. If Trump were president, I don’t think we’d be having this problem.  Obama, on the other hand, will draw another red line, after which he will claim the Turkey attack was due to you and me in America having too many guns; he'll then pledge our wholehearted support for Turkey and then head off for the golf course. 

Q. Kerry says the reason for the uptick in terrorist attacks is that our campaign against them has been so successful that they are getting desperate.  How dumb does he think we are?  (Smitty ~ Rialto, CA)
A. If that were true, then all we have to do is quit bombing them and they will break out in music, dancing and a great love fest.  It’s that same “JV Team” hyperbole all shaken up and regurgitated.   

Q. Will anything happen to Obama over the Benghazi findings?  (Adolfina ~ Yuma, AZ)
A. Right after they nail him for Fast & Furious. 

“A fascist is one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, regions or nations as to make him ruthless in the use of deceit or violence to attain his ends.”  ~ Henry A. Wallace


Wednesday, June 29, 2016


President Barack Obama’s deputies have decreed that single-sex bathrooms will be eliminated in national parks to help make the nation’s outdoors into a transgender-supportive environment.

I’ll piss in the parking lot before I comply.  I hope all of their parks go bankrupt. 
Q. With the terrorist attack in Turkey, I’m afraid to fly anywhere.  Do you think there will be an attack in America of the 4th of July?  (Spencer ~ Olympia, WA)
A. There certainly is that possibility, especially with the way this president is handling his job. 

Q.  So we now for certain that when Clinton was standing in front of the flag-draped coffins of the Benghazi victims telling the families that the attack was due to that infamous video, she was telling an outright lie.  What’s your reaction?  (Terrance ~ Santa Maria, CA)
A. Hillary is a very, very ugly person and anyone who would vote for her would probably also vote for Putin for president. 

Q. Obama claimed shortly after the Benghazi Massacre that he had issued three directives: (1) make sure we are securing our personnel and that we are doing whatever we need to. (2) we are going to investigate exactly what happened and make sure it doesn’t happen again. (3) find out who did this so we can bring them to justice.  I understand his statement was a total fabrication and that the directives never were issued?  (Betty ~ The Dalles, OR)
A. No one has ever produced anything that substantiates Obama’s claim. 

‘There are a lot of people who lie and get away with it. And that’s just a fact.” ~ Donald Rumsfeld


Tuesday, June 28, 2016


NEWSMAX.COM is reporting the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services no longer requires immigrants to pledge their allegiance to the United States when becoming legal citizens… under an Executive Order of… guess who?  The ruling took effect last July and Congress not only did nothing about it, but they also failed to even mention it. 

The requirement was acceptable to the tens of millions of people who migrated here over the years, but not now?  Maybe it would be more acceptable to Obama if they were required to pledge their allegiances to the Muslim Brotherhood?
Q. Representative Charles Rangel has been found guilty of 11 out of 13 counts of violations of House Ethics rules.  Who do you think will take his seat in the House?   (Andrei ~ Rancho Cordova, CA)
A. He’s not going anywhere.  He’s a member of the “establishment,” remember?  They look out after each other, remember?  He might lose his bathroom privileges for a week or be denied a free Congressional haircut in September, but you have to remember that every Member of the House is guilty of something, so how can they in good conscience penalize him? 

Q. The Supreme Court has upheld a ban on gun ownership by people convicted of domestic violence.  Your reaction?  (Gilford ~ Tuscaloosa, AL)
A. Well, I don’t disagree with the sentiment; in fact, such convicts should be hung by their toenails as far as I am concerned.  But… I don’t think it’s going to make one scintilla of difference in the number of domestic violence crimes, including such crimes involving guns.  Once again, the problem is not the guns… it’s the underlying social issues.  They’ll get their hands on guns, use knives or cars or even beat their victims to death with rocks… other forms of violence that are also illegal in this country.   

Q. Is Russia establishing a military base in Nicaragua?  (Tyler ~ Susanville, CA)
A. There are reports that a recent deal gives Nicaragua 50 T-72 Russian tanks in return for the establishment of a top secret Russian spy base in the Central American nation.  While our government has been rather nonchalant about the incursion, saying that every nation has a right to choose its security partners, Nicaragua has simultaneously begun expelling U.S. officials.  This is very reminiscent of the Cuban missile crisis, the major difference being that we certainly don’t have a JFK in the White House.   

“A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.” ~ John F. Kennedy


Monday, June 27, 2016


Not satisfied with the BREXIT results of last week, members of Parliament are now saying there should be another referendum, or even that Parliament should disregard the results of the vote and refuse to leave the EU.  After all, what do the peasants know? 

These guys would make ideal members of the Republican establishment.  The voters, they would have us believe, have no right to vote.  Not only do I smell another American Revolution, but I smell a British one as well.  When we vote, we expect the results to be final and binding.  Period. 
Q. Syndicated columnist George Will has announced he is leaving the Republican Party because of Trump.  What do you say to that?  (Naomi ~ Porterville, CA)
A. Good riddance.  The members of the party chose Donald Trump to be their standard bearer.  People like George Will have the audacity to think that their intellect is superior and that the fundamentals of democracy should be obliterated.  He probably voted for Obama… both times.  Could be he's related to Mitt.  

Q. The word is that Obama wants to buy an NBA team after he leaves office.  Do you think that is realistic?  (Preston ~ Goleta, CA)
A. Only if he is allowed to make his own rules of the game. 

Q. Are there any further developments on that case of Muslim boys in Twin Falls, Idaho sexually attacking a five-year-old?  (Bruno ~ Newark, CA)
A. The media decided it had to be politically correct and cover the story up, claiming it was false.  But then, a video taken by one of the participants surfaced.   Now, the federal prosecuting attorney in the area is threatening citizens that they had better watch what they say about the horrible crime or they’re going to end up in jail. Well, I’m not bashful: Just when is this one-sided protectionism of Muslim criminals in this country going to stop?   

“If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” ~ George Washington


Friday, June 24, 2016


Hillary’s illustrious and private Email server was giving them fits in trying to send and receive email due to a software “conflict.”  The conflict was evidently being created by the installed security system, so they deactivated it while they investigated the conflict.  During the ensuing period, “weeks” according to sources, Clinton and her staff continued to send and receive sensitive emails.  And the State Department tech staff, not knowing what was causing the problems on Clinton’s server, also disabled security software on State Department computers to enable the sending of emails between Clinton, her staff and State Department officials. 
This story gets more ludicrous every minute.  These guys all make the Three Stooges look brilliant.  
Q. I heard this a couple of days ago and I’ve been stewing over it ever since: Loretta Lynch says the way to deal with terrorists is to show them love?  (Midge ~ Riverton, WY)
A. When they’re getting ready to lop off your Christian head just say, “I love you,” and they will instantly stop.  I think she spent too much time in the Haight-Ashbury District as a kid. 

Q. If Trump wins the presidency, what do you think his first move will be?  (Janell ~ Livermore, CA)
A. I don’t think he’ll make a worldwide apology tour to Muslim countries. 

Q. What do you think about the Republicans getting up and walking out on the Democrat anti-gun sit-in demonstrators?  (Frenchy ~ Sun Valley, ID)
A. Not that the Democrats would ever treat the Republicans badly?  Turnabout is fair play, especially in politics. 

“Our technological powers increase, but the side effects and potential hazards also escalate.” ~ Alvin Toffler

TODAY’S VIDEO: (Mitt Romney goes out for a stroll…)