Thursday, May 19, 2016


Texas Representative Louie Gohmert says he doesn’t believe the FBI will recommend an indictment for Hillary Clinton in her email probe.  He thinks they’ll just hand over the evidence to the Justice Department and let them decide whether or not to indict, independently of any FBI recommendation.  And he further thinks that Lynch will not indict. 

That all makes sense to me.  Obama has to protect himself and his huge entourage of henchmen and Clinton can’t provide that protection if she’s not in the White House.  So, it’s quid pro quo: they cover for each other.  And what happens if she does not win the presidency?  I suspect they’re going to threaten Trump with something or other and demand that he either pass on pursuing Clinton or they’ll spill the beans about what ever it is.  After all, Obama has NSA, CIA, and Google in his corner right now, so he knows everything there is to know about Trump and he surely won’t be afraid to use it.     
Q. With the economy faltering, is it not very dangerous to be increasing the minimum wage to $15 an hour and requiring more positions to be paid overtime premium pay?  (Tessie ~ Glendora, CA)
A. Companies will reduce hiring, use more automation and unemployment will increase, meaning a bigger tax burden on the people who ARE working.  You cannot legislate prosperity; you need to keep taxes low, wages commensurate with productivity and let the free market do what it does best. 

Q. I’m astonished that the gun rights community has won yet another major case, this time in Washington, DC.  What does this all mean?  (Burl ~ Davenport, IA)
A. D.C., like California and a lot of other states, has a provision requiring that applicants for concealed carry permits show “good reason or cause” for obtaining a permit.  This leaves the District, or the state as the case may be, able to arbitrarily deny a license.  The U.S. District Court Judge correctly ruled that “good reason” cannot be a requirement because people have a Second Amendment Right to self-protection both inside and outside of their homes.  The Courts may be coming to grips with the truth about our American Bill of Rights. 

Q. The long lines at the airports are, I now understand, more the result of the TSA union demanding higher wages and benefits for workers and a “slow down” of productivity in order to get their point across.  Can’t we just fire all of them?  (Beatrice ~ Shingletown, CA)
A. That would be a “Reaganesque” move and certainly appropriate under the circumstances.  But, you have to maintain the public safety.  My answer would be for the public to quit flying and thereby force the airlines to hire their own security which, in turn, would obviate the TSA. 

“The government is so out of control.  It is so infested with fraud and deceit and corruption and abuse of power.” ~ Ted Nugent


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