Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Glenn Beck’s “THE BLAZE” TV organization is bleeding tons of money and headed for financial ruin.  He just laid off a substantial number of people in a desperate attempt to balance the books. 

I always liked Beck; I even watched him on CNN before he migrated to FOX NEWS.  It seemed to me that his views on Obama and on the country as a whole largely agreed with mine and I viewed him as a voice of sanity in an otherwise insane world.  But then…. Well, I think he started to suffer from the Megyn Kelly complex… growing too big for your britches and turning your back on your roots.  He even started to resemble being a lunatic.  Well Glenn, you can’t get your message out there if nobody listens to you.  Maybe you need to do some introspection. 
Q. How safe are electronic voting machines?  (Dominic ~ Grosse Pointe, MI)
A. I've never heard of one biting someone,  But, anything capable of being hacked is being hacked.  And it would be very simple to manipulate vote totals in an election.  Every election should have a hardcopy backup ballot and they should be randomly sample-tested against electronic records prior to the certification of votes.  I believe that corruption in the voting system in this country is rampant.    

Q. What is this about ESPN dumping on one of the greatest pitchers in baseball, Curt Schilling? (Steve ~ Lexington, KY)
A. Schilling retired from baseball and became a sport broadcaster for ESPN.  Then he mentioned on his Facebook page that he didn’t believe men have any right to go into women’s restrooms. ESPN felt that was a major transgression and fired Schilling.  ESPN is now busily going about erasing all history of Schilling from its baseball memorabilia.  Evidently, ESPN not only believes men have every right to enter women’s restrooms, but also that the 1st Amendment does not exist in their realm of life.   

Q. Rick Perry and Marco Rubio have both offered their services as Trump’s Vice President?  (Pedro ~ National City, CA)
A. Politics makes for strange bedfellows.  I think both of them are struggling to regains some sense of credibility and identity. 

“If your ego shouts out ‘I am important, I am big, I am special,’ you’re in for some disappointments when you look around at what we’ve discovered about the universe.  No, you’re not big.  No, you’re not.  You’re small in time and space.  And you have this frail vessel called the human body that’s limited on earth.” ~ Neil deGrasse Tyson


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