Thursday, August 25, 2016


Students from the University of Texas are arming themselves with 4,500 dildos to protest the rule that students can carry concealed weapons on campus. 

Q. Do you really think Hillary Clinton is responsible for all of those deaths, including that of Vince Foster, which has been ruled a suicide?  (Chick ~ Ventura, CA)
A. Well, it is interesting to note that part of the investigative file, pertinent F.B.I. reports on a possible Clinton connection, have “disappeared” from the National Archives.  Now let’s see… what ever happened to the Rose Law Firm files?   

Q. What’s this about Clinton Aide Huma Abedin being the editor of a radical Muslim newspaper?  (Tellie ~ Aberdeen, WA)
A. JOURNAL OF MINORITY MUSLIM AFFAIRS, a Saudi-financed publication favoring Islamic Shariah law and criticized as anti-woman, was supposedly edited by Abedin for over ten years.  However, the Clinton camp is denying that, saying that Abedin’s name was simply on the publication’s masthead and that she had nothing to do with it.  So, that coming from Clinton being the epitome of veracity, we all can rest assured that the allegation was false.  Oh… one other small, thing: the Clinton Campaign is declining to say if Abedin was on the payroll of the publication or not. 

Q. Do you believe that we should get rid of coal as an energy source?  (Goldie ~ Lake Havasu, AZ)
A. I do not believe that we should get rid of any energy source that can be cleaned and become environmentally sound.  With that being said, I do take exception with the hot air emanating from the sewers of Washington DC: I don’t know that they can ever be cleansed. 

“Just because you’re a successful journalist in today’s world does not mean that you are bought and paid for by some political interest… very generally speaking.” ~ The Unknown Scribbler


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