Friday, August 19, 2016


Target stocks are in the toilet after millions of customers decided to take their business elsewhere following its decision to make all restrooms transgender restrooms.  Now they’re building a third restroom at each store, not for use by transgenders, but for use by men and women who are uncomfortable using the transgender bathrooms.  Each new restroom will have lockable doors to maintain privacy for the users. 

The only problem: the new restrooms will only have one toilet, so if it’s in use and you really have to go…. It’s amazing how all of these liberal, politically correct people think… or don’t think.   As far as I am concerned, their stock can continue to go down the abyss. 
Q. I hear the Pentagon can’t account for $6.5 trillion in money.  Where can that kind of money disappear to?  (Lorenzo ~ Reno, NV)
A. They used it to buy toilet seats for the White House?  I’m going to guess a lot of it went to “black ops,” and the rest probably ended up in the Clinton Foundation. 

Q. I don’t get it: the Obama Administration has finally admitted that it withheld payment of the $400 million to Iran until the hostages were released, but they insist that it still was not a ransom deal.  What do they take us for… fools?  (Jake ~ Morgan Hill, CA)
A. Yes.  In the old days, we would refer to it as being “flipped off. 

Q. I just heard there’s a new way hackers can gain full access to your computer through your smart phone?  (Vinnie ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. I’ve always advised people not to use their smart phones for banking transactions or anything else which needs to be secured.  Everyone these days is pushing aps that you can use in conjunction with their gadgets to do everything from watering your plants, to turning your lights on and off, to feeding the dog, and to providing home security features.  The trick is, those aps send you an email to let you know they’ve accomplished their task or your house is burning to the ground.  It is through this vulnerability that hackers gain access to your email address and passcode and with that they gain access to your computer and then all hell breaks loose.  In many respects, it’s best to keep your smart phone dumb. 

“Everyone has a smart phone, even dumb people have one.  Hillary has two.” ~ The Unknown Scribbler 


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