Wednesday, August 10, 2016


NEWSMAX.COM reported yesterday that newly released emails from a top Clinton aide link Clinton’s campaign donors, the Foundation and the State Department. 

Don’t get your hopes up that anything will happen to the Clintons.  The F.B.I. is charged with investigating such things and we all know they are firmly in the political pockets of Obama and the Clintons… don’t we?  The whole damned city of Washington D.C. is but one, corrupt cesspool.  If they can keep Trump from winning the presidency, they will have total control over this country from now until eternity. 
Q. How does the father of the Islamic terrorist who shot up that night club in Orlando killing 49 people end up standing within a few feet from Hillary Clinton at a political rally?  (Savannah ~ Medford, OR)
A. You don’t get that close to her without either a direct invitation or a whole lot of vetting by the Secret Service. Maybe he forked over a lot of money?

Q. Trump keeps saying the media is bashing him and we all know that he’s correct.  This conduct has been going on for decades. How can we stop it?  (Gail ~ San Lorenzo, CA)
A. Quit buying their news, quit watching their programs, quit buying from their advertisers.  To do otherwise only emboldens them.  Question everything they say or write.  I will not, for example, watch any programming at all on NBC, MSNBC or CNN, and I watch ABC and CBS with a lot of scrutiny.  Frankly, I’d rather be watching reruns of GILLIGAN’S ISLAND than to be brainwashed by most media.    

Q. The feds are breaking every other law on the books, so are they compiling a list of gun owners in an unofficial “registry?”  (Kyle ~ Florence, AZ)
A. According to law, the feds may keep only statistical information, but they are obtaining names and addresses of gun owners and storing that information as well.  That’s how the German Nazis knew which doors to knock on when they went after gun confiscation. 

“All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” ~ Edmund Burke


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