Thursday, August 18, 2016


The Arlington Fire District in Poughkeepsie, New York has ordered all American flags removed from all district fire trucks because they could pose a liability if they distract other drivers.  The flag flap follows a recent Rhode Island controversy, in which local firefighters were called "terrorists" for deciding to fly Old Glory on the back of their trucks. 

Why doesn’t the district just fly the Islamic flag on their tricks instead and solve the real issue? 
Q. I was pleasantly surprised when the F.B.I. immediately agreed to provide Congress with transcripts of their interview with Hillary Clinton.  We may finally get some answers as to why they didn’t want to prosecute.  (Georgia ~ Pleasanton, CA)
A. Not so fast there; the documents are so heavily redacted that they are virtually useless.  If Congress is sincere in wanting to know the haps, they’re going to have to take the matter to court and get a court order for the F.B.I. to cut out the bullshit and produce full and complete transcripts.  It continues to be evident that there is some grand scheme at play to get Hillary into the White House, and they’re willing to risk anything in order to make that happen. 

Q. The pictures of Donald Trump having a big law enforcement meeting at Trump Towers are very impressive and very presidential.  Does Hillary have any similar moves going on?  (Lolita ~ Salem, MA)
A. You’ve got to be kidding!  It’s well known that the only kinds of meetings she ever has is to tell people to go $%#& themselves. 

Q. Does the layoff of 100,000+ techs in the computer industry portend the arrival of another economic bloodbath like we had in 2007 and 2008?   (Phil ~ Gardnerville, NV)
A. Possibly, but if so… they won’t be telling us until the day after the November elections. 

“Never use a big word when a little filthy one will do.” ~ Johnny Carson


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