Thursday, June 9, 2016


REUTERS is reporting that North Korea is again producing nuclear weapons-grade plutonium, violating United Nations Sanctions.

One might say, considering the illustrious Iranian Nuclear “Deal,” that they’re entitled to do so.  More ominous is the fact that they’ve already tested four weapons and they’re obviously perfecting long-range missile capability.  And Obama is heading out on the campaign trail for Hillary? 
Q. Glenn Beck keeps insisting that we are going to have major violence in the streets of America. Do you concur and why?  (Roderick ~ Fresno, CA)
A. Although I used to be an avid follower of Beck, I am inclined to disagree with him more and more.  In this instance, however, I agree that we are going to have violence in the streets subject to certain conditions, for example if Trump gets dumped by the Republican Party.  Right now, we are an angry nation and Obama has fueled the flames of disagreement by fragmenting virtually every section of our society.  We have become a tinderbox waiting for the spark to ignite.   

Q. Why has Dish decided to quit carrying Newsmax TV?  (Bertrand ~ Newport Beach CA)
A. Since Newsmax provided their feed to Dish at no cost to Dish, one can only presume that Dish does not care for Newsmax’ conservative content.  It’s called “censorship.” 

Q. Russia can down our satellites?  (Clarissa ~ Newport, KY)
A. They have recently conducted a test of a missile designed to do just that.  It’s bad enough that they could destroy some of our military reconnaissance satellites, but think what would happen to the country if we suddenly couldn’t watch CNBC!!!

“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.” ~ Albert Einstein


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