Friday, June 24, 2016


Hillary’s illustrious and private Email server was giving them fits in trying to send and receive email due to a software “conflict.”  The conflict was evidently being created by the installed security system, so they deactivated it while they investigated the conflict.  During the ensuing period, “weeks” according to sources, Clinton and her staff continued to send and receive sensitive emails.  And the State Department tech staff, not knowing what was causing the problems on Clinton’s server, also disabled security software on State Department computers to enable the sending of emails between Clinton, her staff and State Department officials. 
This story gets more ludicrous every minute.  These guys all make the Three Stooges look brilliant.  
Q. I heard this a couple of days ago and I’ve been stewing over it ever since: Loretta Lynch says the way to deal with terrorists is to show them love?  (Midge ~ Riverton, WY)
A. When they’re getting ready to lop off your Christian head just say, “I love you,” and they will instantly stop.  I think she spent too much time in the Haight-Ashbury District as a kid. 

Q. If Trump wins the presidency, what do you think his first move will be?  (Janell ~ Livermore, CA)
A. I don’t think he’ll make a worldwide apology tour to Muslim countries. 

Q. What do you think about the Republicans getting up and walking out on the Democrat anti-gun sit-in demonstrators?  (Frenchy ~ Sun Valley, ID)
A. Not that the Democrats would ever treat the Republicans badly?  Turnabout is fair play, especially in politics. 

“Our technological powers increase, but the side effects and potential hazards also escalate.” ~ Alvin Toffler

TODAY’S VIDEO: (Mitt Romney goes out for a stroll…)

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