Monday, July 26, 2021

You Have NO Right to Know!

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki made it clear last week that the public has no right to know what is going on in the White House! A reporter asked her about Covid cases in the White House and Psaki demanded to know what business it was of the reporter's.  It all goes back to Biden's statement when running for the office in 2020: "I don't work for you!" 

When the Bible spoke about "pestilence," I had no idea American government would become infested with it!


The Chinese are coming! The Chinese are coming! Are they bringing an upgraded version of the Wuhan virus with them? 

I've had my fill of Democrats denying voter fraud is blatant and insisting that voter I.D. must not be a requirement. If they don't like American Democracy, let them move to Russia, where they'll feel right at home! 

Don't you think it's time we started sending American Patriots to Washington instead of the scum we have been sending? 

Biden says we should ban 9mm pistols. I guess he thinks .40 or .38 caliber pistols are less deadly?     

Fauci says it's negligent not to fund bat research in China? Why wasn't that money spent in the United States? 

The nation is $22 trillion in debt and the Dems want to increase that by 16%.  

Pelosi has named only totally anti-Trump members to the Special Committee to investigate January 6th riots, and has denied neutral or pro-Trump candidates.  What does that tell you? 

The nation is running low on jet fuel, forcing some smaller airports to ground planes and endangering firefighting efforts in the west.  Time to shut down another pipeline?  

If the Democrats didn't cheat, why have they filed multi-multi lawsuits to stop audits that would prove they didn't?

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY HAD SAID THAT: "I have never told a lie." ~ Joe Biden

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