Monday, May 10, 2021

Will DOJ Shut Down Arizona Election Audit?

Uncle Joe, who claims to have won a legitimate election in November, is now pressuring the Department of Justice to interfere in the recount of votes in Maricopa County, Arizona. The DOJ has already fired off a warning letter to officials running the recount, insinuating that it violates federal law.   

Note that the DOJ flatly refused to investigate the possibility of election fraud back in November, but now that a recount is taking place in Arizona, they want to stick their noses in it. They prove more and more each day that they don't give a rat's ass about American justice.  How much more of this crap are we going to take? 


Let me get this straight. No one in Maricopa County had access to the voting machines? Nary a password among them?  Dominion had total control and no official election soul could check the machines to see if they were functioning correctly? 

A Canadian pastor who went viral last month for ordering police out of his Easter service was arrested Saturday for violating COVID-19 limits on gatherings set by court order. Pastor Artur Pawlowski, the head of Calgary’s Street Church in Alberta, and his brother, Dawid Pawlowski, were arrested and charged with "organizing an illegal in-person gathering." Religious persecution is not confined to the U.S.

NASA is having a hissie fit over the failure of the Chinese to control the re-entry of their rocket. Surely, the whole world must by now know that the Chinese and the Democrats can do whatever they want.   

A billboard in Huntingtown, MD, reads: “Don’t blame Trump!You are stuck with these two shit heads!!! From all your deplorables in Calvert County.” It shows a picture of Biden and Harris. I hear the Democrats have their bowels in an uproar.   

Over 750 bodies from the Wuhan Virus remain in refrigerated trucks in New York City, waiting to be buried. 

In another blatant lie, the Biden administration is claiming gas prices are going up due to the Wuhan Virus. They deny it's because of the Keystone pipeline shutdown, stopping of fracking or more gas taxes. So, if people are driving less, why are the prices still going up? It's no wonder they're all wearing masks!

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "I never knew how many enemies a guy could make in life until I created Windows." ~ Bill Gates


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