Monday, February 22, 2021

Patriot Party

The Republicans are beyond fixing. They are to the point that they need to crawl back under the rocks from whence they came.  Some of them will give up their charade and join the Democrats and the rest will blindly continue along their merry ways, denying that anything is wrong.  

The only way out for patriotic and conservative Americans is to form a new party.   


Why hasn't it occurred to anyone that the real reason Biden is closing down the Keystone Pipeline is Democrat political payback to South Dakota's Governor Kristi Noem for not shutting down the state during the Chinese Virus?     

Let's be realistic: If you were stuck with your family in freezing Texas conditions and you had the chance to fly everyone to Cancun is escape it, would you hesitate for even one second? Or, would you stay at home and let your wife and kids freeze their butts off? 

Do you honestly think for even one second that Biden or any of his Mafia care one iota about the lost jobs? Having more people depending on them for handouts makes them more powerful, you know.  

The strongest weapon in the United States is a patriotic American.  

As long as we're renaming everything, we should be renaming the White House.  Why not just tell it like is is and call it the Fraud House? 

We're all clamoring for the kids to go back to school.  Hasn't it ever occurred to anyone that the education they're getting is why we're in this mess?  

I don't know how it is in the rest of the country, but the major problem we're having in California is that businesses can't find help so that they can reopen! Those out of work and drawing unemployment choose to continue doing just that! 

It is estimated that as many as 30 million illegals are currently in the United States. That's roughly 10% of the population. The next move, I assume, is to require that 10% of the Members of Congress be illegal aliens? 

In days gone past, we could have a sit-down with a diverse group of people of differing political persuasion and have a good discussion. But the Democrats have become so possessed by hate and evil that discussion is no longer within the realm of possibility. Whether they know it or not, there's only one way this can end, and it won't be pretty!  

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "The one way we can crush conservatives is to cut off their access to money." ~ Barack Obama     

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